Lesson 32: Compliments Can Make You Giddy

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Lesson 32: Compliments Can Make You Giddy

"So, are you excited for homecoming?" Selena asked, grinning as we walked to class. I shrugged.

"Before I was because I was going with Joe, but now I'm going with no-one so no, not really." I explained.

"Well, you chose to go alone, so don't start moping around, pitying yourself because you're dateless." Selena pointed out, and walked into the classroom. I frowned, following her.

"What crawled up your butt?" I asked and sat down next to her. She sighed.

"Sorry. I'm just really nervous about Homecoming. What if I don't look pretty enough? What if Shane finds another girl and ditches me?" She rambled, and I held up my hand to stop her.

"Firstly, you will look beautiful today. Secondly, if Shane ditches you for another girl, I will personally kick his as-" I was cut off my the teacher slamming her hands on her desk hard, making the whole class go silent and the sound echoed around the room.

Gosh, I hated it when teachers did that. You are not hulk. Stop.

"That must have hurt!" Selena whispered. I shrugged.

"Hope it did, because now I have a headache." I stated, rubbing my forehead. Selena laughed a bit.

"Miss Paige, Miss Woods, do you have any plans after school?" Our teacher said casually. Selena and I looked at each other, confused.

"Uh, yeah. Homecoming is today." Selena responded, and immediately everyone started chatting about it.

"Silence!" The teacher screamed, and the room went silent.

"Miss Paige, Miss Woods, do you want to miss Homecoming and join me here after school?" He asked, and we both shook our heads.

"Then I suggest you stop having your own conversations and listen in class." He said, and turned back to the board.

Selena and I both stuck our tongues at him, making funny faces, and the whole class laughed. We stopped when he turned around, innocent looks on our faces but carried on when he turned back around.

Yes, it was childish, but it was still fun.


"Mum, can I go to Selena's so we can get ready?" I asked, walking into the kitchen where my mum was. She looked up in surprise.

"Oh, but I wanted to do your make up and..." She trailed off. I sighed.


"No, no that's okay, honey. I have to accept the fact that you're growing up and-" She started sobbing, and I quickly ran over to her.

"Mum, what's wrong?!" I asked, pulling out tissues and giving them to her.

"Y-your father would have been so proud!" She cried. Tears started forming in my eyes as I hugged her.

"I know mum. I miss him as well, but he wouldn't want us to be upset, right?" I said, and I felt her nod.

"But if I didn't send him to buy the chicken..." My mum said, and started crying again.

"Mum! It's not your fault! It's not your fault that a drunk driver came out of no-where and hit the car, so stop blaming yourself, okay?" I said softly, and I felt her nod.

"But Amber, after getting ready, I want you, Selena and Alice to come back here and let me take a photo of you all." She commanded, and I went a little pale.

"Uh, mum, I don't know if I've told you before, but Alice isn't friends with me and Selena again." I said slowly.

"Why not?"

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