Lesson 8: Kidnapping Can Fix Broken Friendships

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Lesson 8: Kidnapping Can Fix Broken Friendships

That kiss. Even if it was on my cheek, I still felt really guilty about it. I wasn't that angry about Alice slapping me because if you were in her situation and you found out your ex-boyfriend kissed your best friend, would you be calm about it? But on the other hand, I think slapping me went too far. Violence is never the answer.

Anyway, after Alice left the bathroom, leaving me standing there, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the bathroom.

"Alice! Wait, let me explain!" I shouted, walking after her. I wasn't going to run after her, I'd already did enough exercise today! But Alice, being the rude person she was, ignored me and carried on walking.

"Fine then, ignore me! If you were really my best friend you would actually listen to my explanation before slapping me, you judgmental pig!" I screamed, then ran out of the building.

I was walking hone when I realized what I called her. A judgmental pig. Then I realized I still had detention, (even if it was for 10 minutes) after. There was no point in going back to apologize, or going to detention because I'd probably get slapped by Alice again, or in trouble with the teacher. I sighed and walked home faster. I called Selena on my phone and she said she'd be over in five minutes.

Tonight was gonna be long and tiring.


"I need a plan." I said, sitting down.

"We need a plan." Selena corrected.

Currently me and Selena were in my room. After going home, I decided it would be best if Selena and I thought of what we would do together. Maybe we'd give Alice a few days to calm down then explain what happened to her and how Joe and I weren't in a secret relationship.

But first, Joe had to pay.

I knew he'd do something, but I wasn't expecting him to do that. But I had to admit, it was a pretty good plan. At first I thought after a month or so he'd get his revenge when we forgot, what I didn't expect was for him to get us back a week after. I mean, with me and Alice not being friends there's really no point of pranking him. Alice wouldn't appreciate it and pranking him would probably make her angrier, but here we are, thinking of a plan.

"Amber, you need to concentrate! Come on!" Selena said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I sighed. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"I'VE GOT IT!!" Selena suddenly shouted. I looked at her, smiling.

"What is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Food!" She said. I looked at her in disbelief. Was this girl for real? "Food helps me think better, so I'll get a snack!" She exclaimed, smiling.

I was really close to strangling her with my bare hands.

"Selena, for your own sake, I'd get out of this room and a safe distance away from me," I warned her, standing up. Selena tried to run out of the room, but she was too late. I pounced on her like a lion pouncing on a zebra.

I was about to strangle her when my mum came in and saw us. I quickly got off Selena and stood up.

"What's going on here?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

"Um, we were... racing, and I wanted to win so I jumped on Selena?" I said. More like asked. My mum raised an eyebrow, and shook her head.

"Actually, I don't want to know anymore. Do you girls want to eat my cookies?" She asked, smiling. We both nodded and followed her downstairs to eat the cookies. While I was eating I had an idea on what we could do.

Selena was right, food did help.


"Okay, Alice will be coming out any second out." I said into my walky-talky.

"Copy that." Selena replied. I rolled my eyes.

"I think it's, 'Rodger that'." I corrected. It was 'Rodger that', right?

"Target sighted!" Selena spoke. I quickly sprinted across the road to see Selena approaching Alice. Alice hadn't seen Selena yet, but she'd see her soon.

Okay, you must be really confused.

Well, last night I told Selena my plan. The only way we could get Alice to listen to us is to kidnap her. We'd take her to a nice, peaceful place, explain everything then she'd be on our side again, then we would prank Joe. Selena would drag a struggling Alice to her car. I'd help her and sit in the back of the car with Alice. If Alice made any noise I'd be forced to tie my smelliest sock over her mouth.

It was a perfect plan.

Anyway, Selena started to drag Alice to her car. I quickly unlocked it with Selena's key and opened the door for Alice to go inside. Selena pushed Alice inside and I got in to stop her from running away.

"Alice, don't try to scream or anything or else I'll be forced to-" I started, but was rudely cut off by Alice's shouting. I tied my smelly sock over her mouth, and that muffled her shouts.

"That's better." I muttered, getting a glare from her in return. I just rolled my eyes.

"Are we nearly there?" I asked Selena. She nodded and turned on the radio. About time. 'Salute' by Little Mix came on and I started singing along, ignoring Selena's shouts and Alice's muffled screams.

"I'm not that bad, okay!" I screamed at them. Seriously, they were acting like a sounded like a dying cat or something. Selena turned off the radio. I was about to hit her, but then I realized we'd arrived and that's why she took it off not because of my lovely singing.

"Okay Alice, if you cooperate, we won't burn your favourite t-shirt." Selena said calmly. Alice looked at her with wide, frightened eyes. I counted to ten then I took off my smelly sock from her mouth and we climbed out of the car.

"Fine then, just where are we going?" She asked. Me and Selena looked at each other, then back at Alice. We didn't actually plan where we're going.

"Um, you know, somewhere... fun?" I said, smiling nervously. She looked at us in disbelief.

"You've came this far, and you don't..." She started, and then started laughing. Really hard. Soon Selena and me joined in and we were all laughing. To people walking past us, we must of looked like three crazy teenage girls.

Alice was doubled over, like she'd been punched in her stomach, Selena was lying on the floor, and I was slapping the car really hard with one hand on my belly. So, yeah.

"Okay guys, I forgive you. Let's find somewhere to sit down so we can talk about what really happened, because I'm really confused now." Alice said, after we finished laughing. I noticed people were giving us weird looks, which was hilarious. Soon we were laughing again.

Today's lesson: Kidnapping Can Fix Broken Friendships


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