F i f t e e n

917 39 35

~ Vincent ~

I was standing outside Emily's house as I was still embarrassed owing to the incident in the morning. Even though she seemed to forgive me, I just couldn't get over it.

Get over it, and knock the darned door!

I composed my demeanor and cleared my throat before knocking on the door.

After a minute, the door was opened by a little boy who I suppose is Emily's brother umm... Emil. Yeah, Emil.

Emily without a 'y'.

I suppressed the urge to smile at that.

I was glad that I started to feel normal again. Even though it was a painfully slow process.

"Who are you?" Emil narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.

"I'm Vincent, Emil." He must have figured that if I knew his name, then I might be someone familiar to his family.

"Oh, okay, get in, dude." He muttered.

Dude? Kids these days.

"Where's Mrs.Heartwood?" I asked him.

"Oh mom, she got an important call and she left to the hospital, just a few minutes ago. Just your luck." He giggled.

I checked my watch and realised that I was a little early for the meeting.

"Oh. Do you know when she will return?" I asked as he settled himself on the sofa and popped M&M's into his mouth while watching some cartoon on the television.

He just shrugged. "Come and have a seat." He motioned me to the sofa, and I obliged.

"Where's Emily?" I asked him.

"Upstairs and how do you know her? Are you her friend?" He asked with more interest.

"Yeah, you can say that, I guess." I muttered.

"Hmm, Do you want M&M's?" He asked as he forwarded the bowl full of chocolate.

"No, thank you." I said. I used to love it before, but now, I don't crave it as much.

"Just have some. There's no problem that chocolate can't solve." He winked at me, "And also I don't usually share my food, so consider this a one-time opportunity and try it."

I chuckled. I really did.

I think I was starting to like this kid.

"I hope that this chocolate solves my problem." I tried some of it.

It was tasty. It brought back old memories when I used to go out with my parents and they bought me chocolates.

"You like it?" Emil asked hopefully.

"Yeah." I replied.

He smiled and narrowed his eyes at me as if examining me.

"Have I seen you before?" He rubbed his chin in deep thought.

"Yeah, even you seem familiar to me." I said, squinting my eyes at him for some recognition.

He kept thinking for a few more moments.

"Gotcha!" Emil exclaimed victoriously.

I looked at him with anticipation.

"You once bought me chocolate. I never forget people who buy me sweets." He said.

"When?" I seriously didn't remember. 

I didn't have a very good memory power, and that stirred small arguments with Heather as I frequently forgot her birthday and even mine.

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