T w e n t y - F i v e

792 32 57

~ Emily ~

"Kids, I'll be back tomorrow, so behave okay?"

"Mom, I've already told them that, don't worry."

"Okay, okay." She then proceeded to hug me, "Take care, dear."

"Will do, mom."

I pulled away and noticed that Emil had still not finished bidding his farewell with Vincent.

Mom coughed, "Uhm, are you coming or not?"

Emil whispered something in Vincent's ear and grinned at us, "Coming, mom!"

I gulped.

What in the beautiful world, would've Emil say to him?

He came towards me, and I kneeled down to hug him goodbye.

He whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, I'm not a gossip queen as you claim me to be. At least not with your secrets, sis." He blinked at me in fake innocence.

Did that mean he knew about?

"Bye weirdos!" He referred to Skye and Derek, to which we chuckled.

Derek narrowed his eyes at Vincent while Skye laughed.

She was used to Emil and his behavior.

"Okay, kids, have fun!"

With that, mom and Emil left us to visit her sister, who lives in Hansberg. Now, Emil could use a reunion with our cousins, whom he had missed for long.

Skye sat on the sofa, "So what's the plan?"

I lifted my arms, "Hey don't look at me. It was the Derek's plan. Ask him."

She nodded, "Right. So Derek?"

He too occupied the sofa beside Skye, "I've planned everything out, so this would go amazing, I know."

Vincent snorted, "Yeah, right." With that, he seated beside Derek.

"Vi! You don't trust me?"

"Could you stop calling me that."


He blurted, "Because Heather used to call me that." Then he slapped his hand over his mouth in realisation, "Uh, never mind."

Derek looked taken aback, but then he immediately composed himself, "It doesn't matter what they used to call you. What matters is the person who calls you that. So that person is Derek, aka your cool best friend, so take chill pills and calm your a -"

Vincent chuckled, "Okay, I get it."

Derek punched his shoulder gently, "And that's the Vi, I know."

Skye jumped up from the sofa, "I got an idea!"

Now this can't be good.

"What?" We all asked in unison.

She grinned at us sheepishly, "Truth or Dare."

"Oh, Skye!" Yeah, it was my first reaction.

Derek replied, "Yeah, so original and not immature at all."

Vincent just laughed at that.

Skye frowned, "Why not? Okay, I'll say that each of us will get to choose the event for everybody. Now, how does that sound?"

Derek immediately agreed to that, and Vincent did half-heartedly while I stood there clueless.

"So then, it's a yes, I see." A victorious grin appeared on her face.

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