T h i r t y - O n e

686 31 3

~ Vincent ~


Confronting Emily was such a mistake.

It was my first time confessing, and I messed up so badly.

I never had to confess my feelings to Heather because there weren't any.

It was your fault, Vincent, so you might as well bear the consequences.

No, no, no, there has to be some way through which I could make this right.

I haven't talked to Derek after my foolish encounter with Emily, and for some unknown reason, he didn't approach me too.

So, I texted him on noticing that he was online.


Hey Derek

~ V


My God Vincent it's past 1am! Why aren't u sleeping now?

~ D


Then, why aren't YOU?

~ V


Whatever. Now, what's the matter?

~ D


I messed it all up.

~ V


I figured that much. That's y I gave u time to reflect on the situation yourself. I didn't bother u. Did I?

~ D


Okay thank you for that but I'm feeling terrible right now .

I couldn't confess properly and on top of that, I made a total fool of myself infront of her.

Now what would I do?

~ V


Oh Vi, it's fine.

U know Emily, she won't be upset with you.

Just go to school tomorrow, meet her and confess again. But this time properly.

Speak out of your heart and she'll understand. Trust me.

~ D


His words had a surprisingly calming and optimistic effect on me.

When did Mr. Derek become a motivational speaker?


Okay thanks buddy. And this will be the first and last time, I'll be calling you that.

~ V


Fine with me. Now, go have your beauty sleep and rise and shine tomorrow.

~ D


I chuckled.

Because I was sure that I won't be sleeping anytime soon, now that I'd got some things to do.

Thank you, Derek.



I waited the whole school day to end to meet Emily, personally.

The lunch time was the toughest one to bear, with Emily being mute the whole time, making me feel even more guilty.

No, I couldn't let it go on like this.

With the last bell being rung, I left to find Emily without even bothering to take my bag with me because I have to return here, anyway.

We have to return here.

When I got out, the weather was dark and cloudy and exactly how I liked it.

I searched for Emily, frantically like a parent who lost their kid in some carnival.

I could've just messaged her, and that was only if I had taken my phone from the last classroom.

There she was!

With a girl, whom I assume should be the girl from the library.

I speed-walked towards Emily.

"Emily." I breathed out while panting lightly.

"Oh, Vincent." She smiled at me. And I have given enough fake smiles to detect one such, "I was just going to search for you."


"W-Why?" Oddly enough, I felt hope bubble inside me.

"Oh, well, this is Fiona, whom you may have already known." She motioned towards the girl beside her, whose presence I noticed only then, "And she would like to talk to you."


Emily mouthed a 'good luck' while leaving me with her.

No, no, this wasn't how it was supposed to go.

I felt like I was glued to the ground by some unknown force.

And Emily was nowhere in sight.

'Vincent, remember that nobody lets their special person walk away or leave them.'

Oh grandma.

This scene looked awfully familiar, like when Heather walked away and I couldn't do a thing about it.


This time, the only difference was that;

I won't stay helpless and clueless like always.

Emily is far too precious for me to let her go.


The pain I saw in her fake smile was all the reasoning I needed to do what I was going to do.

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