Chapter 8| CID

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When we returned to W Supermarket, Aya thanked me and said goodbye. But I felt the urge not to let her go. I have to do the right thing.

"Aya, wait. I want us to have the right beginning." I reached out my right hand to her. 

"My name is Cid Wal... Williams. I want to know more about you. Please let me."

I was looking at her face from the time I called her name. I saw her cheeks turn red. Her eyes looked confused, but they changed to a guarded look. 

"See you tomorrow, Cid. I have to find Jane. I don't want her to wait long. Thanks again for today!"

She walked fast inside the W. She left me outside with my hand still reaching out. It was already a few seconds after I realized she had left. 

I remembered the scene in the cemetery when we were together. I will never forget Aya's face when she was crying. My heart wanted to put my arms around her, to comfort her, but I reminded myself that I was not in any position to do so. 

I know from her look that she remembered that unfortunate event in her life. I told her to stop crying and offered her my handkerchief—her bringing me to see where she was getting the flowers struck a guilty chord in me. I regretted having her go through my pathetic show with HR and Rick. I need to do something. 

"Hello, Rick! Yes, I am with her. I know, man! I will send you a name and address. Let her arrange it. Make sure they deliver the flowers daily courtesy of W supermarket."

When I saw Aya was coming to me, I ended the call. "Send it to the name and address I texted you. I have to go."

For the first time in my life, I feel the need to protect someone — Aya. So I will ensure they will not hurt her or feel any pain again from today onwards.


"Ciddy! What's up, man? You have been quiet since we came back from W."

"Nothing Rick, I Um... just remembered something."

"Does that something has a name? Aya maybe?"

"Man, I feel so guilty having her go through our drama with HR this morning."

"Where did you bring her? What were you thinking? I thought you went back here to the hotel. It surprised me when you called me."

"By the way, did you make the arrangements for what I asked you?"

"Yes, Master Ciddy! As per your order, HR will only assign Aya to the garden. From tomorrow they will ask her to make one flower arrangement every day. And they will deliver the arrangement to the name and address you texted me."

"Good! Thanks so much, Rick! You are the best! Let me kiss you!"

"Wow! Are you drugged, Ciddy?"

"No Man, I'm serious. Thanks."

"If I may ask, whose name and address was that?"

"You can't ask Rick. Just do what I say. Stop being nosy!"

"Oh, I can't be nosy, but you can be nosy all you want? I sent her personnel file to your email. Also that of Jane's."

"Did you check it? Is there a husband or a boyfriend?"

"Is that the reason you asked for the files? Ciddy Man, you were with Aya half the day; why didn't you ask her?"

"I can't Man. Our moment together was special. One of a kind. It's the start of a friendship!"

"Friendship, really, Ciddy? Since when did you only consider friendship when it concerns a woman?"

I sighed and started thinking again. Maybe I feel so concerned and generous to Aya because she needs it. But, first, it challenged me. She was the first woman to ignore my presence. Unlike the women I met before, they all came to me offering themselves in whatever way. I am sure I want to befriend her. Nothing more. I am proud of you, Cid Waldon! How did I turn to be generous and concerned with humankind? 

"What's with that face, Ciddy?" Rick's voice startled. "Smiling for no reason, huh?"

"Rick! God! Man! You really should stop doing that! Why do you always put your face next to mine?"

"Why? What is wrong with my face? Well, your schedule for your work at W will start tomorrow. So I will assign you to the grocery."

"No Rick! Change my assignment. I need to be in the garden! Remember Aya needs to watch over me? Then you should assign me the same area as Aya!"

"Wow! Ciddy, my man, I didn't take you for a stalker!"

"No buts, no questions, Rick! Starting tomorrow, I will work in the garden too! Let me take a shower. Order room service for dinner, okay?"

"Wow, just wow! Ciddy, since you're not drugged right now, you're losing it!"


What is the mystery to you, My Aya? 

It is already past midnight, but I still can't get to sleep. Usually, I will sleep drunk around this time. But I didn't feel any liking to taste alcohol or wine. I didn't realize the time. After dinner, I kept on remembering Aya's face in the cemetery. 

Wow, Cid! What is happening to you?

It's nothing, I kept on telling myself as I shook my head several times. It's me just getting curious and helpful. 

What the fuck! How did it happen? It's already 3 AM! I need to sleep now.

I closed my eyes. Before I dozed off, I saw the same face occupying my mind since the first night I arrived in W.

Aya, My Aya!


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