Chapter 24| AYA

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"Marc?!" I said in shock as I looked at the man standing before Cid and me. 

It is Marc. The same man who killed me and everything I had five years ago. 

"Aya, I've been waiting for you for years. Where did you go? How are you? Good thing I left instructions for the gardener to call me anytime someone comes here. I need to talk to you. I am so sorry!" said Marc.

I held Cid's hand tight while I was talking to Marc. I wanted to feel his warmth and protection. But, during this time, I only trust Cid. I want to take strength from him. Cid's touch will remind me I am not the same broken Aya I am with the man who loves me with all his heart. 

"There is nothing for us to talk about, Marc! I only came here to visit my parents," I said.

"How is our child, Aya? Did we get a boy or a girl?" asked Marc.

That was the last straw. All the pains, anger, and grief I bottled up against Marc all these years released the devil in me. My right hand slapped Marc's face with a strength that created a red mark on his cheek. 

"You threw away your right the night you left me and told me that whatever we have then ended, Marc."

"Aya, please let us talk," said Marc.

"Cid, let us go now, please. Get me out of here!"

Cid walked me towards the car and ordered his driver/bodyguard to drive us out of the cemetery. Inside the car, I burst into tears. I felt Cid's tight embrace, and I saw his right fist clenched with anger on his face. 

"I'm sorry, Cid. I can't help myself from tears. Seeing Marc, I remembered the pains and fears I felt that night."

"Sh, My Aya, nothing to say sorry for. It's better that you cry it out. But that will be the last time you will be near that bastard!"

I nodded in agreement with what Cid said. But, when I looked at his face, I saw worry and pain in his eyes. Thank God for giving me this good man! I placed my lips on him, wanting him to feel how thankful I am to have him in my life. 

"Thank you for being there for me, Cid! I love you so much!"

"I will always love you more, My Aya! As long as I'm alive, no Marc can ever hurt you again. Always remember that!"

"Where do we go now? Should we go back to the hotel now?" I asked.

"I would love to stay inside our suite, My Aya! But since we are in New York, let us make the most of it, shall we?"

Cid covered my eyes with a scarf. I didn't know he was hiding in a paper bag inside the car. 

"What is this for, Cid? Where are we going? How can I enjoy the views if my eyes are closed?"

"Relax My Aya! Trust me! Before the night ends, I will ensure you have the best Brooklyn memories!"

As Cid said, I entrusted myself to him from the time he covered my eyes. I felt we drove for about 19 minutes from Greenwood cemetery. Despite the tension in unexpectedly seeing Marc a while ago and feeling Cid's warm and comforting hands, I feel more excited now. He doesn't know that even if he brings me to hell right now, I wouldn't mind as long as we are together. 

When the car stopped, Cid guided me in getting out of the car and made me walk a few steps while his hand was holding mine. I felt we walked a few steps in what seemed like a flight of stairs. When he told me to stop, I felt his one arm hugging me from behind. I felt my blindfold getting loose. 

"My Aya, please keep your eyes closed. Promise to open them only when I say so," whispered Cid. 

"I promise, Cid!"

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