Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Rick and I left Worcester. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Aya. 

I wonder how she's doing. 

Since I flew back to Arkansas, never a day passed that I didn't think of her. These two weeks have been tiring and stressful for Rick and me. My dad had a heart attack 30 minutes before Rick got the call from his father. We took the next flight home. Everything that happened after we arrived in the hospital seemed like a dream. I just went with the flow of things guided by Rick and some senior staff from the WS headquarters. 

As Rick said, my personality changed to 360. I am now taking over the position my dad left. He has already passed the critical period given by the doctor, but he is under strict orders to rest at home and avoid stressful situations. 

"Cid, your dad wants to see you tonight. So I confirmed we will come for dinner."

"Okay, Rick. Did he say why?"

"No idea, Man. Maybe he wants to check on you."

"Rick... is there a way for us to see CCTV recordings from WS in out-of-state branches?"

Rick looked at me, but I ignored his questioning face. I stood up and looked through the glass window of my dad's office. I gave a loud and deep sigh.

"Are you okay, Cid?" 

"I want to see her. I want to know how she is doing since I left without saying goodbye."

"What do you plan to do? With your work here, there is no chance for us to go back there soon. With what is going on right now. You know that, right, Cid?"

"I know, Rick, but I don't know why my heart is telling me otherwise. Since we came here, I have always wanted to call her to hear her voice. What should I do?"

"Okay, I'll make some calls for the CCTV recordings. For now, get ready for our meeting with your dad later." 

"Thanks, Man!"



It is my day off, and I am on my way to visit my baby. As I entered the memorial park, I suddenly remembered Cid. For sure, it's because he came with me the last time I saw him. I wonder what happened to him. I didn't think of getting his number. At least I could have checked on him if I had his number. 

To make sure that he didn't get fired, Aya. Nothing else.

As I reached the tomb, it surprised me to see flowers in a vase placed on top of the stone. The flowers were still fresh. The tag looked like it came from WS, but I am sure it wasn't the same that Cid and I brought the last time. It looked familiar. It looked the same as the one I arranged yesterday. How can that be? Did Jane come here without telling me? That is impossible.



"How are you feeling, Dad?"

"Surviving my son! Thank you. Rick and the management team in HQ are all praises. I know you have it in you, Cid!"

"Thanks, Dad. I just stepped up because you need me. WS needs me."

"I guess it's time for you to take over, Son. I am not getting any younger. Maybe I should step down while I am still breathing."

"You are strong as a bull, Dad! Besides, I don't think I'm ready now to take over your position. Just not yet... Remember I need to get promoted within a month in W Worcester first? That was the agreement."

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