5K READS! + Oneshot! + Announcement!

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((Sorry if this chapter isn't good I'm just really happy and I just thought it'd be nice to have a quick one-shot to celebrate!))

Y/n stared at the letter in bewilderment, she was practically frozen. "Y/n...?" Elizabeth's soft voice broke her out of the trance, "What are you reading?" She asked.

Y/n jumped out of the seat and ran up to Elizabeth, "A letter from the Author! She lives beyond the fourth wall, it's so rare to be able to talk to her!" She beamed, tears practically in her eyes.

Elizabeth didn't understand much of what she was saying, Author? Fourth wall? She shook her head and decided to let her g̸i̸r̸l̸f̸r̸i̸e̸n̸d̸ best friend have her moment, "What does it say?"

She took a deep breath to try and contain her excitement, "We have five-thousand reads!!" She suddenly wrapped Elizabeth in a tight hug, leaving her almost breathless.

"That's...Great...Y/n...!!" She wheezed, Y/n let go of the woman before running to grab a piece of paper and a quill, she wrote,

Dear Author,

Please tell all of the readers that I'm really-really happy with the news! No,, not even happy is a good enough word! More like—ecstatic! Or exhilarated! I just told Elizabeth and I really think we should hold a huge party in the Bore Hat or something to celebrate!

Also! Tell them that I'm excited for all of the future chapters and adventures to come! And that its wonderful sharing all of my life with you guys, I hope you don't find it boring! I found it really fun being in that giant girl's hand prison-her palms were super comfy and I think I actually fell asleep when she put me in one for the first time...!

I think that Meliodas guy is super cool too! I think his outfit is really neat and I really like how nice he was to me and Elizabeth! I'm almost a bit scared that it's all an act and he might suddenly betray us and sell our souls to the devil or something!! I don't really like how he and Elizabeth act with each-other though... I feel like he's trying to steal her away from me! She blushes every time he makes some weird comment and she always acts all nervous around him! It's not fair! I've been with Elizabeth much longer than Meliodas and I've tried to hard to protect her and to just... Make her happy, y'know? But I kind of expected that I'd be the one that would make Elizabeth happy-not Meliodas! But hey, I'd still take a sword for that girl. Even if her and Meliodas are kissing right infront of me, you know why?! Because I care about her! I care about her more than anything else in the world because she's the brightest light in my life and she is one of the best things that has ever happened to

"Aw man... I ran out of page...!!" Y/n mumbled, "Arh-! I wasted most of it rambling as well! How could I of been so dumb to waste the opportunity to talk to Aurthor-chan and spend it just talking about...Them..." She looked down.

"Y/n, can I read your letter before you send it? I-I mean-! Only if you don't mind...Of course..!!" She fumbled with her hands. Y/n quickly grabbed the paper and set it alight with her fire-sending it through the multiple dimensions with it eventually ending up in the fourth.

Y/n finally gathered the courage she needed to ask Elizabeth the important question that had been pestering her mind, "Hey, Elizabeth... How do you feel about me...? A-about us...?"

"O-oh... Well I-"


Ohh~ Y/n wrote back! Anyway, thank you all so much for the 5K reads! I'm really looking forward to what the future can bring us!

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