3 | The First Shift.

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(This chapter is dedicated to StrawberrySylvie and Evstop, thank you both so much for all of your comments on my chapters they really do make my day and they always inspire me to get the next chapter out as soon as possible!)

You had kept the sword, perhaps it was the dragon instinct that liked the shine of the object. It was now nighttime, and practically the entire village had gathered in Meliodas' bar, where you and Elizabeth were about to begin your first shift.

"Alright, we wish good fortune upon Bernia's saviour Y/n and her bar, The Boar Hat, as well as Bernia's ale trade...Let's begin by toasting with Bernia ale!" A villager toasted as the chatter started to rise.

"Ca...Can I really do this...? Y-you have so much experience serving people... Unlike me..." Elizabeth muttered while she tightened her grip on the tray nervously, you gave her a reassuring pat on the head, "There there, if you make a mistake, I'll be there to assist you!" You tried to calm her down, "Besides, it's not that hard! You'll do fine!"

"Yeah, being a waitress is fine once you get used to it." Meliodas added,
"I understand! The most important thing is to gather information about The Seven, after all." Elizabeth seemed a bit calmer now, thankfully. "Info on the whereabouts of the Holy Knights would be fine, too. Even if they're not directly related, it could be a lead." He paused, "...That's it for the serious talk. Take it easy, now."

"Y-Yes!!! I will take it easy!!!" Elizabeth yelled, making you chuckle; she couldn't help but be nervous all the time.And for what?

"As always, Bernia's ale is the best!!"
"The river's water level rose a lot because the Holy Knight's sword dammed up the water source."
"What a messed up thing to do.."
"This morning, my chicken laid five eggs at once!!"
"That's really amazing!!"
"I heard that some youngster named Arthur became King way down South in Camelot."
"I told my kids to stay away from the river, but...I'm worried about my son who's stationed at fort Solgales."
"I feel ya man..."
"This Merlin girl...She's my type!"
"You're letting your wife walk all over you!!"
"Look at that! Those are The Seven Deadly Sins on that bulletin board!"
"Oh, Pig. Been a long time!"

You and Elizabeth had already started to collect orders. Unlike humans, you had an insanely impressive memory and could recall the exact words used in conversations from years and years ago.

Going row to row, you eventually received most of the orders (since you had to leave some for Elizabeth, of course), and you made your way to Meliodas and leaned on the counter.

"Hey." You paused, "So,, that guy over there wants...-" Meliodas nodded after about five minutes of you listing off all of the orders that you remember.

"Are you going to be able to carry all of these?" He asked while pouring some gravy onto some chicken, "Psh. Pssshhhh!!" You waved your hands in front of your face over-exaggeratedly, "Yeah!! With no problem, I can do it with my eyes closed!"

"If you drop a single plate, you're going to have to work here overtime," 'Like that's a big deal! I could work non stop for days!' "- While Elizabeth and I are looking for the sins..." '...If a single crumb falls on that floor, I will kill everyone here and then myself.'Your goal shifted quickly, and you became adamant.

Meliodas had finished preparing all of the food and drinks and had placed them on the counter with a few trays to assist you not long after. "Alright...One trip..." You muttered before successfully managing to grab the food and drinks, with two trays each on one hand and even a tray on your head.

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