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The human race had always held a fascination for you. You were enthralled by their ability to survive, the marvels they were able to create, and the complex class and racial dynamics that existed among them. It was a constant source of wonder, and you found yourself checking in on them almost daily.

In fact, you were a little jealous...You were sick of the war going on between the harmony and chaos fractions, it had brung you to the brink of insanity-everyday seeing a violent battle that had always ended up in death and destruction.

One day, you received the devastating news that your sister had been killed in the war. But it was not just any fighter that had taken her life - it was her one true love. It was a classic Romeo and Juliet tale, two individuals from opposing factions falling in love to prove that love can conquer all. Except, in this case, it was all just a lie and a betrayal! Those damned chaos dragons are unpredictable, untrustworthy, unreliable BASTARDS!

You had never fought, or killed anyone. So this feeling, of pure, boiled rage was new to you. You wanted revenge, you wanted to take the heart of your sister's old lover and rip it out of his weak chest infront of his family and devour it slowly.

Though, you knew that if you even attempted to kill the high level dragon you would be immediately slaughtered,or worse. Vero was certainly near top if you're talking about power, perhaps that was why he killed your sister, maybe he just wanted to know that he was able to take one of the Harmony Fraction's most noble and kind dragons and kill her after putting her into a delusion that she was able to love and care for a dragon who was just meant to remain a nemesis...

You had already planned your trip for years. You had eventually decided not to take anything and to just fake your own death. It was immoral to abandon everyone you knew while they were in a middle of a war but you promised yourself that you would eventually come back and help them one day.

You were currently flying above the country of Britannia, of course, you knew better than showing your true form infront of some humans, especially when the they most likely never seen a dragon before.

After a quick scavenge you had found the most perfect place to live! It was a huge raven with a beautiful lake! It was the perfect size for you to squeeze your body in the river so it was therefore the perfect place to nap! The rocks hit the most perfect places on your back, and the way the current kept your scales feeling refreshed it was...Perfect! Everything about it was just perfect...

You swear it was only for a few days! But you were suddenly woken up by the sound of people shouting! "It's a dragon!"
"We have to slay it!"
"This is why no water has been able to get to our city!" You were confused to be honest. But before you could get a word in a sword was pierced into your back!

You swear you didn't mean to sound nasty, but you ended up instinctively letting out a deafening roar. Loud for even some of the people in Britannia to hear, immediately trying to stand up but as you tried to catch your footing you heard a person dressed in armour shout a chant, "Gods of above, hear my words, limit thee muscles, yet't this creature live. I cast down upon thee...PARALYSIS!

You couldn't help but let your body fall onto the ground, your breathing became desperate as you panicked to find a way out of this situation but as every second came by your chances simply became smaller and smaller.

Maybe the Chaos Fraction was right...Maybe humans are just violent creatures that think of nothing but themselves, why else would they slaughter an innocent dragon?

You refuse to die, maybe if you could just communicate in some sort of way then they would let you go,, maybe...

When you had woken up you were immediately stuck with a sense of panic. You were no longer on the mountains but now in a large cage with large, metal shackles on your feet and tail and two thick, steel, semi-circle shaped 'guides' right behind your horns and around your mouth so you were unable to roar or even breathe out any fire to defend yourself.

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