Chapter 4

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Zeus began to bark and move towards the front door. "Zeus enough!" Maddie said getting up to see what the barking was about. Just as she reached the front entrance, the doorbell rang and Zeus continued barking. "Sit." Maddie commanded the dog as she unlocked the door to see who was there. "Who is it?" Max shouted from the living room. "I don't know, give me a second!" Maddie replied as Memphis called Zeus to the living room.

Maddie opened the door and there stood Aiden and Felix. "Hey guys, what brings you here?" Maddie asked letting them in and closing the door. "Your brother asked us if we were down to hang today. " Aiden replied taking his shoes off. "Maddie who's-." Max asked appearing from the living room. "It's just us." Felix said as the four moved into the family room.

"Hey Stella, Memphis." Aiden greeted and took a seat on the couch. "Hey guys!" Memphis replied turning off the gaming console. "Alright so now that these two are here, are we heading out now?" Stella asked. "Yeah but first we have to decide where we are going. The zoo or the aquarium?" Max said.

"Here's an idea, all in favour of going to the zoo, hand up!" Maddie exclaimed as she, Aiden, Max and Felix raised their hand voting for the zoo. "Alright, the zoo it is!" Felix said as everyone stood up and made their way to the front door to put their shoes on.

"We going in two vehicles of one?" Memphis asked as they walked out to the driveway. "Well, we can take the SUV. That holds about eight of us or if you prefer, we can take two vehicles." Max said. "Well for parking purposes why don't we just take one?" Aiden replied as everyone agreed.

Max unlocked the SUV and hopped into the driver's seat while Stella got in the front passenger's seat. "I call sitting in the middle row!" Maddie shouted as Memphis climbed into the very back followed by Felix. Next Aiden and Maddie got in and buckled up as Max drove off. "Got any hype jams Martin?" Felix asked. "Yeah, I've got some Drake, is that okay?" Max replied. "Yeah man. Let's go!" Aiden chummed in as Max played some Drake.

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