Chapter 11

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Meanwhile I'm the dressing room, Aiden and Max are mid conversation while lacing up their skates. "So my sister tells me that she lost a bet to you at practice this morning." Max says. "Yeah I'm, i made a vet with her and got past her 3 times in the scrimmage so because she lost, she has to go on an adventure of my choice." Aiden replied. "I was actually going to ask you about that." He added. "I was thinking about taking her to the aquarium on Saturday and then out for lunch." Max finished typing his left skate and looked at his best friend.

"You guys didn't have any plans tomorrow did you?" Aiden asked. "We didn't really have anything planned no." Max replied. "Is it okay if I take her out tomorrow then? I know I could have asked her but you're my teammate and her big brother. Plus your my best friend too so I just wanted to run everything by you first to see if you're cool with it." Aiden finished as Max adjusted his elbow pad. "Yeah sure not a problem man. Thanks for not going behind my back on it. I've only got one question before you ask her though and you have to be 100% honest with me here Stan." Max replied as Aiden stopped what he was doing to look at his line mate. "Do you still have feelings for her like you did two months ago?" He asked. A moment of silence went by before Aiden answered. "I... Yeah I do still have feelings for her but I'm not going to push on anything. I'll tell her how I feel when I'm ready and see what happens from there." Aiden gave Max a small smile as he looked at his best friend with a smile growing on his face. "If she deserves to be in a relationship with anyone, it's definitely you  Stan the family man!" Max said as Aiden thanked him before they got up from their stalls and made their way to the ice for warm ups.

"Look Jace, there's daddy!" Eryn said as she pointed to the glass where Jacob stood on the other side waving to his son. "Okay, my heart literally melted!" Stella said watching the father and son moment. "Aiden and Max keep looking over here." Stella said looking over at the two boys. "Max always searches the crowds before a game. It's one of his rituals and he always looks to see where I am and to make sure Memphis is on time for puck drop too." Maddie replied. "Speaking of Memphis, he's late tonight!" Maddie added just as the Martin siblings' best friend appeared. "Hey guys sorry I'm late! Lots of traffic tonight!" Memphis replied taking his seat next to Maddie. "What did I miss?" He asked. "Not much, just Max making sure I was in the seats he requested for tonight's game and him making sure you got here before puck drop." Maddie replied.

"Well it looks like I'm just right on time cause warmups just finished!" Memphis said. "Oh you also missed Aiden looking over this way at Maddie too!" Stella said as Maddie rolled her eyes. "Stella for the 50th time! Aiden doesn't like me Alright?!" Maddie exclaimed. "I'd let it go if I were you. She doesn't like talking about relationship stuff unless it's with Max." Memphis replied.

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