6. Pizza

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❄️ A I D E N ❄️

It's been almost six weeks since Fox told me about the institution, or non-institution? I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. Frat house maybe? We are a bunch of guys, some actually take online college courses; who like to lounge around, watch movies and play video games all day. Seems about right, I guess?

I mean, I could call it paradise, instead. I live with nine extremely hot guys, who not only show up in my dreams at night but compliment and dote on me in real life. I have my best friend around me all the time, who I may or may not be catching feelings for. How could I not? He's kind, smart, showers me with attention and did I mention he's drop-dead gorgeous? I also have Wren, who is not only the prettiest boy I've ever seen, but makes me amazingly delicious smoothies to keep me healthy.

Everyone has been exceedingly friendly from the day I got here. I was wearing blinders in the beginning, but looking back, its clear as day. I mean, the day before Christmas, Fox dragged everyone to town to buy me gifts so I could feel included. It was very thoughtful of him, it's just that, I had no gifts to give to them. Fox didn't care though, neither did anyone else. When I complained to him, he said my presence was gift enough and the others all agreed. I didn't like that answer, so I made them all my infamous chocolate chip cookies as a present. They were all gone within the hour as my heart hummed that I could do something for them.

And then I kept finding things to do for them. Looking out my window one morning, I noticed Milo having trouble getting the lid off one of his bird feeders in the freezing cold, so I quickly bundled up and helped him. He was so grateful that now I go out every morning to help him fill them. Another time, Vance asked me in to his office to go over one of my doctor visits for my jaw and I noticed that the wood bin was low for his fireplace. So I filled up the fire wood cart and filled up the bin for him. Him smiled widely at me and thanked me profusely. Wrens spice cabinet was ordered alphabetically, I noticed that they were all out of order, so I pulled up a chair, stood on it and made myself busy for an hour. Wren pulled me into a bear hug while hooraying in my ear. I kept finding things to do for mostly everyone. It made me feel useful. That I wasn't just taking from them, I was giving to them as well.

Don't get me wrong, I still had heaps, loads and mounds of questions that needed answers, but when I brought it up, Fox just told me to "go with the flow" and that they'd wait until the "perfect" time to go over everything with me. I wasn't happy with that answer at all, but it did help that he was massaging my shoulders at the time and I was literal putty in his skillful hands.

So I pushed all of the questions and anxiety about everything away and just lived in the moment. It felt freeing, to not have to worry about anything. My parents sent me to an institution to "correct" me and here I was, not getting their money's worth. It was a win-win in my book.

I was still sleeping in my "temporary" room as they like to call it. They haven't moved me to a permanent room yet, which was fine by me. All I really needed was a bed to sleep in.

Fox would hang out with me a lot in my room. Wren, Milo and Fitz liked to hang out with us as well, the other guys would pop in every now and then. Most of the time we would listen to music, Fox loved to find new artists and sing along to the songs. The boys also told me all about their vacation to the Moorlands this past Fall and how they were excited for the upcoming trip to Italy in the Spring.

I noticed that Fox's personality hadn't changed much from four years ago, he was still the easygoing, kind and inclusive guy that made us so close back then. It's just his outward appearance changed a lot. I could still see the young lanky teenager he was back then, but he definitely grew into him self. He was jaw-droppingly gorgeous, that is, if my jaw could actually drop.

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