14. Surprise

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🦊 F O X 🦊

Whoever this sexy as fuck asshole was...I didn't like him, not one bit! The way he claimed our Aiden, our kitten had me seething mad, blood boiling through my veins!

Aiden's back was flush against the wall, his toned legs wrapped around this Adonis of a man's sturdy hips. Lean arms were draped around the intruders broad shoulders while Aiden's slender fingers caressed the dark olive skin of asshole's firm neck. He breathily moaned out as he was being owned; possessed all the while too eager to accept this interloper. 

"Alright, Aiden! Enough!" Vance's deep voice commanded. His usual light gray eyes darkened.

Their heads instantly jerked apart as Aiden scrambled down from the Greek gods tall, statuesque frame. He never let go of Aiden though. Muscular arm wrapped around his slim neck, protectively.

We were all standing there staring at them. Not one word uttered, our faces red in anger.

Aiden finally looked at Vance, flashes of conflicting emotions flickered about, sad, happy, ashamed, lustful.

The asshole's face was only showing pure determination. He calmly said, "I'm taking Aiden and we're leaving, now."

I gasped out, "No!", as Bryce wrapped his strong arms around me just before I took a step forward. I itched to grab Aiden and hold on tight.

Aiden's head turned to the asshole and said, "No Ezra", while shaking his head, his dark brown curls were still wet from our shower together.

Oh my God...It's Ezra! Aiden's best friend who helped him get here. To help save me! I should be kissing him in gratitude!

My face brightened as I smiled up at Bryce. His scowl lessened but didn't fully fade away as he, very slightly, shook his head.

"No?" Ezra huffed in response to Aiden. "I'm taking you away from here," his hard eyes looked at each of us individually before he turned to Aiden whose back was facing us.

Hard eyes immediately softened as he gently cradled Aiden's face in his strong, powerful hands. Love poured out from his dark brown eyes, framed with the longest lashes I have ever seen. As he gazed into Aiden's eyes, his voice softened considerably, "Forget about Fox, forget about your mission. You should be long gone by now," he kissed Aiden's lips tenderly. Pulling back slightly, he said, "I depleted my bank account as soon as I was released from the institution, we'll have enough to live comfortably, you and me, just like we always dreamed about."

A sad whimper escaped my lips.

No! I can't lose him now, I only just got him.

❄️ A I D E N ❄️

Ezra was in an institution?! That's why I haven't been able to get ahold of him! I called, left voicemails and texts, with no response! I was pissed at him for ignoring me. But an institution? This is all my fault!

I should've known that my parents would've told his parents, they've been neighbors for at least twenty years. Backyard barbecue's and pool parties for forever.

I just didn't think that Ezra's parents would send him away, they were kind and loving people.

I heard a whimper behind me, as my own spilled out of my trembling lips. Tears escaped my eyes, "I'm sorry," I sniffled, "an institution, Ezra? It's all my fault. I'm so sorry!" I cried out.

"Shhh...," he pulled me in, hugging me tightly. "No baby, it's not your fault! We knew they would've found out soon enough, we just didn't know they'd react the way they did," he cooed. "I'm OK, it wasn't like the evil places that you told me about, where they break you, it was just a lot of talking and art therapy, not bad at all," he hummed out against my ear.

"Why don't we go to the living room and have a discussion," Vance spoke up.

Ezra immediately stiffened against me.

"Let's not and say we did," he said, while standing upright. I noticed that he was the exact same height as Vance.

I winced when Vance's face turned into a scowl. I hated that look on his handsome face.

"Like I said, we are leaving here, try to stop us and see what happens," Ezra's deep voice barked out.

Fuck! What do I do?

My fingers gripped the front of Ezra's shirt tightly. "Ezra, we really do need to talk, there's a lot you don't know," I sucked in a shallow breath, exhaling it quickly, "a lot that's happened that I need to tell you about," I swallowed thickly.

How the hell am I going to tell him that I'm in a relationship with nine people? Oh yeah, and I'm in love with a boy who tried to kill me. Fuck!

"Aiden..," he looked at me in concern, "they'll try to talk you out of leaving," he argued. "The way we love, the love we share, isn't wrong!", he pointed between us.

"I know that...," I attempted to smile up at him but my stomach was doing summersaults and wouldn't allow it, "surprisingly, they'll actually do the opposite of talking us out of loving each other," I gestured with my hand to the boys standing around us. "They won't try to talk us out of our type of love at all," I held my hand out to him and he took it automatically.

"What are you talking about, Aiden? This is an institution, that's their number one goal!"

"Not here, it's the opposite," I looked into his brown eyes, willing him to believe me.

He stared into my eyes for a few moments, searching for...something.

Eventually, he squared his shoulders and turned to look at Vance, "Lead the way then," he growled, the corner of his lips turned down.

With that, Vance briskly did an about face and walked in the direction of the living room.

I was about to follow him when my eyes caught sight of Fox. His eyes rimmed red. Oh no, I reached out for him when Ezra whispered in my ear, "We can make a run for it now, we'll start over new, I'll take care of you. Love you the way you deserve to be loved," his voice was firm with surety.

I almost melted as his words enveloped me. We've been in love with each other for so long, but with him being in the closet and me being sent away to multiple camps and institutions we've never been able to act on it.

That night he helped me with my plan to save Fox, it was the first and only night we ever acted on our feelings towards one another. I felt his love flow through me, before it was ripped it away.

I don't think I could handle having it in front of me, so close I can practically touch it, just to lose it all over again.

My heart clenched so tight it was impossible to breathe, when I finally drew in a breath, I shook my head and said, "Let's talk about it, please," and nodded my head in the direction everyone went.

When I looked into his eyes, I could clearly see the hurt behind them, I glanced away. Holding onto whatever little resolve I had left, I took a step forward as he followed right behind me.

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