10. Making Plans

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❄️ A I D E N ❄️

"Are you sure you like it?" Zane was looking at me with a worried crease between his dark brows.

"Are you serious? I love it!" I beamed up at him, smiling widely. It was absolutely perfect!

Zane was currently standing on a ladder hanging the painting of a black kitten with vivid golden brown eyes and intricate flames behind it. He explained that he thought of it when he googled my name, meaning born of fire or little fiery one. I still can't believe he googled the meaning behind my name!

His tight gray joggers cupped his muscular ass so perfectly I was practically panting from the heavenly sight.

Earlier, Zane had walked in with the painting that I demanded of him on the day I ran off. He was even a few days early. I was standing in the middle of my new and permanent room on the second floor that Fox brought me to after they dragged me back home and we hashed it out.

Fox and Jace were lazily sprawled out on my bed, Jace's head on Fox's lap while Fox ran his slender fingers through Jace's blonde hair. I was staring at Jace's handsome face, his eyes were closed, a relaxed smile on his pouty lips. My gaze moved up to Fox, his eyes were also closed as well, a content smile on his face while he leaned back against the headboard. It was so domestic, a foreign sight for me but it felt right. These were my boyfriends, I was practically vibrating with excitement.

"There ya go," Zane called out, breaking my train of thought. He expertly climbed down the ladder and stood behind me, back to chest, wrapping his muscular arms around my narrow waist. His chin rested on my shoulder, "you sure it's OK? I can make another one if you want me to..." he trailed off.

I reached my hand up and around to the back of his head and turned my face to him, pressing a soft kiss on his sculpted cheek. "Absolutely not, I love this one," I hummed against the soft skin of his neck.

He pressed his palms over my thin tee-shirt and against my toned stomach, dragging them up leisurely, passing the sensitive buds on my pecks, making them harden at the touch, he continued on to my heated throat, wrapping his long fingers around it. My arms were trapped above my head while I lightly gripped the back of his hair. My chin facing down as he languidly kissed the back of my neck, sucking hard and then using his tongue to soothe the pleasurable pain. I low moan escaped my parted lips.

It's been four days since they told me about their relationship. They asked me to be their boyfriend that very day and I, of course, said yes. I haven't slept in Vance's room yet. I'm not exactly sure what's holding me back, I think I just want to make sure that when I do go in there, it's special. That I won't ever forget it, but as each day passes I get more and more nervous. The boys have practically been edging me this entire time. They bring me so much pleasure just by kissing and touching, but respectfully haven't gone too far. My heart swells when I think of it.

Zane gradually eased up his hold on me, and allowed my arms to fall down to my sides while he pecked behind my ear, "mmm, you taste so sweet, Aiden," he murmured, "so good," his hot breath prickling my skin with goosebumps. He pulled further away with a quick squeeze of my ass, jerking me alert. I opened my eyes to Fox and Jace slyly smiling at me.

I turned around, face heated to a boiling point. Pressing my head into Zane's neck and nuzzling back and forth.

"Shy kitty," he chuckled patting my head. As my fingers tightly gripped the back of his tee-shirt.

I quietly growled into his neck in embarrassment.

Chuckling, he bent down and picked me up bridal style, placing me down carefully on my side in the bed towards Jace and Fox, he swiftly crawled behind me glueing his long body against mine. His strong arm went underneath my head so I could use it as a pillow as he adjusted a pillow underneath his own head. I hummed out happily into the warm crook of his arm.

"Yes! Nap time," Jace drawled out, bringing Fox around on top of him and then rolling him so they were in the same position as Zane and myself with Fox as the little spoon.

We were so close I could feel the heat of their bodies in front of me. Gazing into Fox's beautiful light brown eyes, he reached his hand out to mine and intertwined our thin fingers together, bringing our hands up to his soft lips and kissed each of my knuckles tenderly.

"Love you" he whispered as he peered at me through his long dark lashes.

"You too," my lips lifted up as my eyes fluttered shut.

🦊 F O X 🦊

I needed to figure out what to do to make Aiden feel more at ease with us. He won't admit it, but I can tell that he's subconsciously freaked out about going to Vance's room at night.

In order to make him feel like we're not leaving him out or that he's not wanted, I've slept with him in his room snuggling up against him each night. We've kissed and touched lazily, but never more than that. I know he wants more, I can see it in the way he reacts to our touches, he just needs a little nudge in the right direction.

That's why Fitz, Milo and I are all huddled on my bed before dinner,  making a list of things we can do for a romantic night with him. We want to make his first night with us special.

"How about dinner and a movie?" Milo suggests.

"Too cliche," Fitz scoffs. "How about bowling?"  He asked. "Something physical?" A smile playing on his dainty lips.

"Hmmm, that could work," I said while tapping the end of the pen on my chin. "Wait! what about that new place that opened up in town, The Escape Room?" I started hurriedly writing on the pad of paper.

"Oh my God! I've been wanting to do that!" Milo squealed, clapping his hands in approval.

"Yes! Let's do it! I'll call for the reservation," Fitz grabbed his cell from his pocket and started rapidly typing, looking up the phone number.

After the reservation was made for tomorrow night, we made our way downstairs for dinner. The scent of Wren's cooking had me salivating.

Wren was in in the process of placing a second mouthwatering casserole on the dining room table, as Aiden finished setting the table and started pouring water in the glass cups at each place setting.

"Wren," I moaned out, "this smells heavenly," I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's cheesy chicken casserole," he giggled, pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

"You're perfect," I groaned out.

"Oh, I know," he smirked, bright blue eyes twinkling in mirth while pulling away and sitting down.

At that, everyone came into the room and we started dishing out our food onto our plates. In the middle of the meal, during a lull in the conversation I decided to bring up the escape room idea. Everyone was up for it, especially Aiden, who was excitedly chatting to Fitz and Connor about it.

I reached under the table and squeezed Milo's hand in excitement while he happily smiled next to me.

That night, I pulled Zane aside and asked him to help me with the secret second part of our date for tomorrow. He was all for it and happily agreed to help me set it up when the time came.

I fell asleep that night, wrapped around a warm and smiling Aiden. So excited that I couldn't fall asleep until the early morning hours.

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