(34) Blood and Battle-training

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Chapter 34

“Alexis,” Rose sighed. She gave me an almost sympathetic glance out the corner of her eye. “Are you really sure that’s the best idea?”

“No,” I admitted, “but seeing as Matt won’t help me, I figure it’s a pretty good plan B.”

“I’m not sure. How’s James gonna feel about you asking advice about how to kill people like us?”

People like us seemed to be code term for Demon.  “It’s not killing, Rose, it’s saving lives!”

Rose shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Keep your voice down.” She glanced at the front of the classroom where the chemistry teacher was droning away about the freaking carbon cycle. “I know it seems like that, but, well... some people want to Change.” She looked slightly disturbed by the thought, but carried on. “And most parents want them to, as well. They’d kill you if they took away their kid’s ‘opportunity’.” She made air quotes around the word.

“Well, I don’t have to kill their dark side. The only people I’m really interested in saving is you and Daniel.”

Rose smiled. “I know, and that’s really sweet, but I don’t think you’ll have to worry about me. I’m nearly seventeen; Daniel had Phased when he was this age.” Her face clouded over. “I think he’s the one you have to worry about.”

My stomach twisted at the thought, like a pit full of writing snakes. “Well, I’ll make sure I don’t have to.”

“Alexis, you know it’s gonna be really-”

“Dangerous? Risky?” I supplied. “Yeah, I know. And strangely enough, I don’t exactly fancy stabbing my boyfriend in the heart, even if it stops him from going all freaky-vamp on me.”

Rose laughed. “I guess.” Her smile melted back to anxiety, like the sun dipping behind a cloud. “I still don’t know if James would help, though. Why don’t you ask Old Maria, or something?”

“I already know everything Old Maria does.” I explained the diary entry. “She knows the theory of how to stop Demons from Changing, but not the method.”

Rose nodded reluctantly. “Okay, then. Go to James. But I’m coming with you.”

I smiled. “Good.”

“Tomorrow after school?  I’ll drive.” She straightened proudly, a smug smile brimming over her face. “I have a car now.”

“No way! You’re so lucky.” I stared at her enviously. “Have you even passed your driver’s test yet?”

“Well, I have a learner’s permit.” She shrugged. “I need someone with a license to come with me. Want me to ask Daniel to come?”

“Sure.” I grinned at her. “Thanks, Rose. You’re the best.”

She smiled smugly. “I knew you’d be like that.” She turned to face the front of the class. “To be honest, I don’t think you could keep him from coming even if you wanted to.”

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face until the end of the lesson.


“Do you even know what you’re looking for, Travis?” I sighed, trailing after him as he speed-walked down the street. My school bag slipped down my arm, and I bumped it back onto my shoulder again.

“Nope,” he said cheerfully. “My mum’s really hard to shop for.”

I groaned. “Just buy her bath oil, or something. That’s what I get my mom every year.”

A Rose as Black as your HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora