(31) Driving Lessons

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Chapter 31

"So I put the gear in drive..." I clutched the gear stick. "And then I press on the gas pedal..."

"You do both of those things," Daniel reminded me dryly, "after you've put the keys in the ignition."

I glared at him. "Well, I knew that."

"Glad to hear it." Daniel's eyes shone with amusement. "Ready for a test run?"

"Hell yes." I gripped the steering wheel eagerly.

"Don't hold it so tight. You'll pull the whole thing off." Daniel's fingers uncurled mine from the wheel, shifting them so I had a better grip. "And keep your hands spaced apart."

"Alright, alright," I grumbled. Who knew driving instructors- even ones who happened to be your boyfriend- were so picky?

"Keys in the ignition," Daniel reminded me.

"I know, I know." I shoved them in and twisted, and the engine rumbled to life. It was kind of terrifying.

"And try not to press too hard on the pedal," Daniel added with a hint of exasperation. "I know we're in the middle of a deserted car park, but you could do some damage."

I gave him my best innocent look. "Daniel. Are you calling me destructive?"

"Something like that." Daniel's lips twitched up. "Are you going to drive now?"

"Uh huh." I tugged on the gear stick- Daniel's car was an automatic, unlike Matt's beat up Ford- and tentatively pressed on the gas pedal. The car jerked forward; I yelped and stomped on the brake. "Shit. That went faster than I thought it would."

Daniel sniggered. "Try again. And remember, it's car; it's going to go faster than your skateboard."

I mock-punched his arm and tried again. The car bumped along the car park, occasionally stopping and starting, swerving like it had a mind of its own. My hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly the tendons stood out white, and I suspected Daniel predicament would come true and I'd yank it off. I had no idea how Daniel could drive about so calmly, while talking or doing air guitar impressions like we had last Saturday.

Eventually, I started to get the hang of driving smoothly- kind of- and began to attempt wobbly laps of the empty parking lot. Daniel's instructions were calm and simple, and he didn't freak out like I did when I couldn't find the brake pedal and nearly crashed into the fence. In fact, he seemed to find it funny.

"It might've helped if you'd at least taken your foot off the accelerator," he smirked.

I began to get the hang of it after a while, even though Daniel refused to let me go out on the road. I could actually indicate and change the radio station, even.

"I can drive!" I squealed as Daniel told me to stop the car, after nearly an hour of circling the parking lot.

"I wouldn't go that far," Daniel said with a smirk. "But I guess you didn't crash, which is something."

I hit his arm lightly. "Hey, don't put me down. I did great."

"You did fine." Daniel undid his seatbelt and leaned forward to hug me. I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes and breathing in his scent as he rested his chin on my head.

"Thanks for teaching me," I mumbled, curling my fingers into his shirt.

He chuckled softly. "Anytime, babe. Same time tomorrow?"

"Sure. Unless..." I trailed off, my mind flickering to thoughts of his Phases.

"Unless what?" Daniel nuzzled my hair, completely oblivious to my thoughts.

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