(27) Heartbeat

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Song: Heartbeat by Enrique Iglesias (A.K.A smexiest beast in the universe ;D)

Chapter 27 :) :) :)

“You look cheerful today.”

I swivelled at the sound of the familiar voice, and almost collided with a huge bush filled with velvety black roses. I stumbled back off the pavement. “Old Maria?”

The wrinkled tanned face appeared over the gate, wreathed with creases as she smiled. “Hello, Alexis. You be going to the river?”

“Yeah.” No good telling her I was meeting Daniel. She wouldn’t be too pleased. “How did you know?”

“How do I know anything?” Old Maria smiled mysteriously.

That was a good point. “I’m meeting, um, a friend.”

Old Maria glanced up at the sky. “Good day for it,” she commented mildly. I agreed; thin wisps of pale, feather-like clouds drifted in a sea of blue sky. Remembering Daniel’s control over the sun yesterday (which had ended up, mercifully, lasting the whole day) I wondered if he had something to do with it. It wasn’t supposed to be this warm in November.

“You look very excited today,” she noted.

“I am.” Which was weird, because I’d spent the whole of yesterday and last night on a high; the thought of seeing Daniel made the pterodactyls in my stomach flap around with excitement. I hadn’t gotten much sleep, because I’d felt so jittery with eagerness, like I was hyped up on a coffee jag. I had barely slept, yet I was still bubbling over with energy like a fizzling can of shaken-up coke.

“Tea is very calming.” Old Maria’s eyes glittered with amusement. “Would you like some?”

I was early for meeting Daniel anyway. Besides, tea couldn’t hurt. “Okay, then.”

For once, Old Maria didn’t have the tea all set up; instead, the little white garden table had the crystal ball perched on it. Sheets of scribbled notes surrounded it.

“See anything interesting?” I asked, gesturing towards the crystal ball.

“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” She scooped up the notes and gestured for me to sit. “Your future path is starting to settle.”

“It is?” I glanced at the crystal ball nervously. “Can you tell me what happens?”

Old Maria’s laugh was like a gong booming. “The future is for you to decide, not me. If I tell you, the whole future could change.”

I scowled, hating being out on the secret. “But people get their fortunes told all the time. Hell, the first time I met you, you were desperate for me to know my future.”

Old Maria’s eyes glimmered. “That wasn’t your future; that was your destiny.”

A Rose as Black as your HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon