Chapter 8: Campfire Cuddles

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The stars are out as they dance in the sky. I can hear the sounds of fire crackling and soft laughter. I'm at the bonfire with Matt, Jackson, and Elizabeth.

"Hey, Matt, remember that time when you went bull riding and lasted like what.... not even one second?" Jackson asks with a laugh.

"That happened one time!" Matt replies. "At least I tried it, Liz was too chicken."

Elizabeth smiles. "Call me chicken all you want, at least I didn't fall on top of someone."

I let out a chuckle at their sibling banter.

"You think that's funny?" Matt asked as he nudged my shoulder.

"A little." I say as I start to shiver from the cold.

"Are you cold?" Matt asks as he gets up. "I'll go grab a blanket from my truck." He says and walks away.

"So, Tessa. Have you ever been to a rodeo before?" Elizabeth asks.

"Nope, but I have gone horseback riding."

"Was that before or after meeting Matt?" Jackson says with a smirk.

"Before. Why?"

"Matt likes to take all his friends riding."

I start to understand what they are getting at and blush. "I don't know what you mean."

"I think you do." Elizabeth says with a wink.

"I will have to say, this is the happiest I have ever seen him." Jackson says. "So, you know.... thanks for that."

"You don't have to thank me. I barely did anything."

"Trust me, you did more than you know."

"So, when do you leave?" Elizabeth asks.

I haven't thought about it until now. "Um...three days."

"But you don't want to leave?"

"I have to." I really didn't feel like talking about this right now.

"Why?" Jackson asks.


"Hey, what did I miss?" Matt asks as he sits down next to me and wraps a blanket around us.

"Just wondering where Asher is." Elizabeth answers.

"I heard that he has a date tonight." Matt says.

"Better not be with that Ashley chick." Jackson mumbles.

"Why, you jealous?" Matt asks jokingly.

Jackson blushes a little. "No."

"You sure?" Elizabeth teases.

"Whatever, I'm grabbing a drink." Jackson says and leaves.

Elizabeth looks down at the empty cup next to her. "I guess I could use a refill." She gets up and walks to wherever Jackson went.

It's just me and Matt, with a warm blanket covering us, in front of a burning fire. Nothing romantic about that, right?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Matt speaks. "What are you thinking about?"

I sigh and rest my head against his shoulder. "Nothing." I look up into his dreamy blue eyes and he gives me a smile. "What?" He leans his head down and gives me a kiss on the lips. I cup his face to deepen the kiss that is somehow both sensual and sweet. I pull away with a smile on my lips and blush on my cheeks. "What was that for?"

"Nothing, I just really wanted to kiss you today."

"Oh." Is all I say, soon followed by silence. "So.... what now?"

Matt gives me a smirk. "We could kiss again." 

Deciding to tease him a little, I hold up my hand, blocking his lips from touching mine. "Nope! No more kisses until you take me a on a proper date."

He raises his brow with a smirk. "I thought you didn't want that?"

I look away from him. "Maybe I changed my mind." 

I look back at him and he has a wide smile on his face. "Alright, dinner date it is then."

I lean closer to give him a peck on the lips, but he stops me. "Uh, what was that for?"

"I have to take on a date first, remember?"



"What if I change my mind again?"

"Too late, can't take it back now."


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