Chapter Twenty five.

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Prince Luke, in a careful and stealthy advance, was climbing up the steps to the floor on which the Hammedatha library was situated. He made sure to place the vamp of his boot down first, so that no sound at all could be heard. Turning around, he placed a finger to his lips, signalling the girl behind him to be quiet.

Aira glared at him in return. "No one here is being loud!" she whisper-yelled.

"Yes, but you know how perceptive Kieran is," Luke whispered back. "One wrong move, and he'll definitely discover us."

"Won't you get a move on!" Ray whisper-yelled from behind Aira. "We'll miss everything!"

Aira rolled her eyes. "I don't even know why you're here."

Luke continued up the steps, and the other two followed. Before he could reach his destination, the sound of footsteps approaching from the floor above made him freeze, causing Ray and Aira to halt as well.

He quickly made an about-turn and whisper-yelled, frantically, "Abort mission! He's coming!"

At once, they all took off back down the steps, as discreetly as possible. It was more difficult for Aira because of her short heel, so she had to run whilst keeping it off the floor.

Finally reaching the ground floor, Ray dashed behind a tall statue while Aira dived to the floor and rolled behind one of the large bronze pots that held a swiss cheese plant. The big leaves hung low, shielding her from sight. As she sat and brought her knees up, Luke rolled up right beside her - to her horror.

"What are you doing!" she squeaked. "There's not enough room!"

"Hush!" Luke snaked an arm behind her shoulders and cupped his hand over her mouth.

The footsteps descended, and Luke used his free hand to shove Aira's head down so she was practically cradled in his chest, while his chin nestled in her hair.

"Just be still." She felt his chest rumble as he spoke.

The sound of footsteps was accentuated on the ground floor as they moved, until they gradually dissipated.

When she was sure they were gone, Aira jerked her head back, causing the back of Luke's head to hit the wall behind them. He yelped, letting go of her, and she shoved him out from behind the pot. He took to rolling on the floor, groaning.

"Personal space, pint-size!" she barked as she walked to the middle of the hallway and met Ray.

"You are a troll!" Luke shot back, clutching the back of his head.

Ray nodded towards Aira. "So are we going to follow them?"

Aira rolled her eyes. "Duh."

And they took off, leaving the Prince lying on the floor.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
"Everything about this place is magnificent," Patrick marvelled, his eyes appraising the lower gardens, the lake, its bridge and the meadow where the horses calmly strolled about.

He was standing in the back upper lawns of the Manor, just above the small flight of steps that led to the lower gardens with a gazebo.

"It would make a splendid painting," he added with stars in his eyes. He was lost in his artistic thoughts, already picturing the final image on paper, until Kieran's statement jolted him back to the brutal reality.

"I've killed men, Patrick."

The artist remained frozen for a while, and the pace of his heart beat picked up. He was duly reminded that with Elena left back at the library, Kieran had the freedom to speak his mind - and possibly slaughter him.

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