Chapter Four

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Aaron looked suspiciously at Elena, her expression suggesting she was surprised as well. He wondered; had she really said yes or was this Kieran's attempt at making her agree in front of everyone?

"Oh my goodness!" Mara exclaimed and looked towards Anne, who shrugged speechlessly.

The Commander looked like this was the best news he'd heard all day.
"Is this real, son?" He had to ask, to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Kieran nodded. "I asked Lady Elena earlier today, and she gave me her word," he said and looked at said woman standing next to him. "Isn't that right?"

Elena looked from Kieran to her father, who like everyone else, was awaiting her confirmation. She remembered how she'd sworn on Rivera's honor, and thus replied, "I did."

Once more, Mara's gasp was the loudest in the room.

"Oh wow." Victoria breathed, her hand on her chest. She could not believe that the General had proposed to her daughter. She thought it'd be the other way around!

"That scoundrel," Aaron thought and smirked. "He really did it."

"This is wonderful news!" The Commander proclaimed, raising his arms and laughing. "It was about time, son!"

"I agree," Lord Rivera said. His reaction was a lot calmer than the Commander's but it was clear he too, was happy. "I am glad my first daughter is finally getting married."
He looked fondly at Elena, thinking about how he'd almost given up hope of her choosing a husband.

"How soon do you want the wedding?" The Commander asked Kieran, unable to mask the eagerness in his voice and face.
Elena panicked, and exchanged glances with Kieran.

"W-well..." Elena said, "w-we're n-not in any kind of r-r-rush..." she tried to smile politely as she said this.

"Lady Elena is right," said Kieran. "I was just informing you so you could stop sending out those courtship proposals." He looked pointedly at his father.

Alyssa laughed and Xerthes nodded, "That's fair," he said.

"Still," Victoria chipped in, and her mood mirrored the Commander's. "A wedding is going to happen sooner or later. We should start thinking about 'when' now so we can prepare for the arrangements."

"What's the hurry, Victoria?" Alyssa asked. "The kids have to court first anyway, so let them get to know each other better before you start fussing."

Victoria pursed her lips in silent rebellion. Elena knew her mother liked things like these; organising parties, doing the shopping, and bossing people around. She was already over the moon with Anne's engagement coming up.

"I have an idea," said Xerthes. "Why don't you all join me and my family tomorrow? I'll organise a luncheon and we can discuss all the details then."

"I agree," said Alyssa. "Our families will converge first tomorrow since it's already getting late now. Then Kieran and Elena will be able to spend the rest of the day together."

Everyone was at par with the idea, and soon, the Hammedathas were saying their goodbyes.

"Congratulations," Aaron told Elena, and with a smile, added, "future sister-in-law." before making his exit.

Elena didn't know how to feel about that word. Everything had happened so quickly. Before that day, she hadn't even had a suitor in mind, and now she was about to be engaged to be married to the person she least expected.
What a whirlwind.

Once they had all left, Victoria came to Elena.
"You naughty girl," she said, pinching her chin. "After I told you you weren't good enough for the General, you just had to go and prove me wrong, didn't you?"

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