Chapter Ten

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When the Hammedathas arrived home, Kieran was immediately informed that the Prince was waiting for him in the Guard's meeting room. Sensing it had to do with information on The Eluder, Kieran marched to the meeting room instantly, and found his hunch was spot on.

The Prince was with Enoch and Jethro, who confirmed the Eluder's presence in the Elgarthar Empire, towards East of Rievelt. It was the Fraternity's favour to locate the criminal, and now it was Kieran and Luke's turn to capture him and have him delivered to the Count of Ridian.

It was approximately a two days journey to Elgarthar, and it was decided that the four of them would leave at dawn. Luke insisted on bringing Enoch along because he only trusted him to wait on him, but Kieran knew that the real reason the Prince often dragged Enoch along on missions was because of his company, and that he wanted the young lad to have many different experiences and see what the world had to offer.

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The next day, Kieran, Enoch, Luke and Jethro departed for their journey to Elgarthar. Since it was a secret mission, they dressed in dull simple clothes and long ponchos that hid their weapons.

They set up camp in a forest on the outskirts of Rievelt that night, and had supper. Jethro had the first watch, and Enoch was tending to the horses while Luke stood near him watching Kieran, who was sitting opposite them on a log and staring absent mindedly at the crackling fire. Luke knew Kieran had something on his mind, aside from their current mission. He could tell from the absent look in his eyes.

"You should go talk to him," Enoch whispered to Luke.

Luke turned his head and glared at Enoch,
"Are you bossing me around right now?"

Enoch pursed his lips at the Prince's obnoxious behaviour.
"I apologise," he grumbled, "I think that maybe you should talk to General Kieran. It's just a suggestion. He's being too quiet. I think there is something going on."

"I know," Luke mused. He walked over to where Kieran sat, and kicked his foot. Kieran looked up at him, and Luke made a hand motion gesturing him to move over.
Kieran did so, and Luke sat beside him.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kieran diverted his gaze back to the crackling fire, and thought back to his last meeting with Elena.

"I'm not the kind of person who retracts his decision once made," Kieran said, "I know in my head that Elena is still going to marry me, so it's logical for us not to see each other until the engagement. But..."


"But I feel as though maybe I made the wrong decision," Kieran continued, "Her reaction when I told her, and then seeing her yesterday, it just makes me feel unsettled. Like I'm not okay with what I decided. I don't like the way things are between us right now."
Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair, "It's a frustrating dilemma."

"Well I think you should go with your feelings."

Kieran and Luke turned their heads to the right, and the latter flinched on seeing Enoch standing right next to him. He was watching them with a tender hearted yet sympathetic smile on his face, his countenance reading "I'm touched."

"How did you-?", Luke made a half sentence as he ocularly measured the distance from where the horses stood to the log they were sitting on.

"Pardon me, I overheard." Enoch said with a 'regretful' face.

"No, you didn't!" Luke retorted, "You sneaked up over here so you could listen!"

Enoch shrugged, "Same thing."

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