Chapter Eight: 959

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"So let me get this straight. You were going to New York, to find BrickStone, the people you were running from. By some sort of bewitched luck, you were found by a resistance." I nodded, and received a smack to the face. 

"What the hell was that for?" I angrily asked Emily. She shrugged, and leaned back on my bed.

"Even I know that's not a good idea, and I'm not a criminal. Elise, you left without telling us, telling me. Tyler was ready to kill me, I swear. I say that we should split from Jared and Tyler, and then-" I cut her off by placing a hand over her mouth.

In the corner of my room, there was a flicker of movement. I squinted, and saw the faint outline of a lens. We were being watched.

"Frankly Elise, I'm surprised it took you that long." I turned to see Jared smirking in the doorway. 

When I had gotten back, Collin had picked me up from the airport. The ride had been silent, and when we got home, I had entered through my window. Emily was waiting for me.

"What do you want Jared." I snarled. He put his hands up. Walking over to me, he ignored Emily.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to take you to dinner, just the two of us." He grinned, and I shook my head.

"Why would I eat dinner with you? You were about to give me to BrickStone, and kill Emily. Why the hell-" He cut me off by placing a hand over my mouth.  

"You know Elise, you almost gave yourself up to BrickStone, so don't talk about that. I have a plan, and we need to talk alone." He stressed the last word and geustered to Emily. 

"Emily, why don't you go snog with Collin." Jared snapped and she fled the room. I sighed and went to my closet.

"Was that really necessary? If we hadn't kept her, she wouldn't be in danger. BrickStone knows she's missing, and they know it's us, or at least me and you. How the hell did they find us at the last place?" I exclaimed. Jared frowned. 

"Trackers. That's how, and we weren't careful enough with covering up our tracks. Why don't we discuss this over dinner? Tyler can come if you want?" I shook my head. 

"Hannah." He groaned. I knew the two didn't get along. Shaking his head, he grabbed my wrist. 

"Nope. Let's go my little pain-in-the-neck." I glared at him. Walking ahead, I grabbed my coat.

"I'm still furious at you, and I don't trust you anymore Jared. I hope you know that, and take it seriously." I heard him sigh and I opened the front door to come face-to-face with Hannah. She was carrying bags of food, and dropped them at the sight of me.

"Elise Silver! Do you know how worried I've been for the past few days! You left without any explanation or note! I swear to god I almost had a heart attack!" I looked behind her, and saw the movement of trees.

"You're about to have another one, get down!" I shouted, and collapsed to the ground. Shots ran out around us, and I pulled Hannah into the house. Shutting the door, I heard glass breaking.

"Collin! Emily! Tyler! Get down here now!" Jared shouted. We heard doors opening and footsteps running. Within seconds, they were downstairs. There were windows breaking everywhere, and we took cover in the kitchen. I opened a drawer, and handed everyone a gun, including Emily. 

"In around twenty seconds, they're going to get in. Hold your fire, don't shoot!" Everyone turned to me. 

"Like hell we won't. Those bastards almost killed me, I'm taking them all out." I shook my head.

"No! They may be BrickStone, but they won't shoot unless you do. Trust me, once they get in, hold your fire. Trust me." I repeated. Everyone looked unsure, but nodded. The door crashed open, and people filed through. We were hidden behind the counter. 

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