Chapter Seventeen: 8

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Filler Chapter, but it's important. 

"Here, I don't wear these sweatpants, and they're really comfortable." I took the sweatpants gratefully.

"Do you have to leave so soon, you could spend the weekend with us."  I shook my head.

"I really should be getting home, my vacation is almost done, just one more night."  Dylan, the dad stood up. 

"Well, let's get you on that flight back to New York City. You were so lucky to get that flight, Cara, it's almost the holiday season." I looked over at the digital clock, it read December seventh.

"Thanks again. That call was to my friend here, my bags will be sent home. I couldn't stay with her though, her grandma just got sick." They nodded, but Dylan looked a bit skeptical.  They had a rental car, and I climbed in the front. 

"Thank you again, I can't stop thanking you!" I giggled. Julia laughed along with her kids. Erin waved and Eddy winked at me.  We sped off, and I waited a few minutes, until Dylan's phone went off.

"Hello? Oh hi Shirley!" I froze. Shirley was my mother's name.

"Yeah, we're spending five more days in France. How are you?" They chatted idly for a few minutes, then he hung up the phone.

"My cousin, Shirley Houston." That confirmed my suspicion. That meant that I was their cousin also. The rest of the ride was spent in silence until we reached the airport. Clutching my passport in my hand, I went to check in. As I was about to go into security, Dylan stopped me.

"Listen Silver. When you're in New York, find Eric. By the way BrickStone is here, avoid them at all cost."  He turned on his heel without another word. Did everyone know who I was?

As I handed my passport to the stern woman, I walked through security. BrickStone would expect me to be alone, so I had to find a person to walk with. Grabbing my shoes, I casually walked over to a bench where a young man was sitting, all alone. He saw me and smiled. 

"Hello, I'm Tucker." He politley introduced himself. I batted my eyelashes a few times. 

"I'm Cara. I'm super bad with airports, and you looked friendly. Could you show me to my terminal?" He nodded and I handed him my plane ticket. 

"No way, I'm on your flight! I'm in the seat behind you actually." He exclaimed, showing me his ticket. I was having serious luck in this past week. 

"Come on Cara!" He grabbed my hand and we walked through the airport. I kept my head down, and held on to his hand tightly. I felt him tense and push me against a wall. 

"I'm so sorry Cara." He whispered and pressed his lips to mine. I stood there frozen, while a few whistles and catcalls could be heard. He lingered a few seconds and then stepped back. 

"You're not the only one who's trying to avoid people here Cara." He whispered and grabbed my hand again. Had I been that obvious?

"It's, um, fine. Who's after you Tucker?" I doubted that was his real name. 

"This damned corporation called BrickStone. They won't leave me alone!" My eyes must have looked like dinner plates by then.

"Same here." I whispered and he glanced at me, with a smile. I returned it and we walked to the terminal, talking.

"So why do they want you?" He sucked in his bottom lip at the question.

"Con artist.  I was heading to New York to visit a friend, he's part of some-" He cut himself off and kissed me again. Picking me up, he sat us down on the bench. This man got really cozy quickly. 

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