Chapter Five: 403

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One of my first targets had been a teenage girl. Apparently, she was a whiz with computers, and had hacked into some things she wasn't supposed to. Ellie Manning, her mother, was a hacker herself, which meant that it shouldn't have been an easy job.

Pulling the trigger was actually the hardest part. I had waited in the bushes, as she had walked home alone. A tall, pretty blond girl of seventeen, it was easy to see that she would be regarded as innocent. As she walked by me, I pulled the trigger twice, emitting two silent shots. The only sound that she had made was a gasp, and then a giggle.

The giggle hadn't come from her. It had come from a boy, no older than fourteen, had stepped out of the bushes. The boy that would later become the most imperative person in my life, whether I liked it or not.

"Mara give me your bag." I handed Tyler my bag. We were still at the airport, which meant we had to use different names. We were all going to split up on seperate planes, but we all had the same destination. London, England.

"Thanks Martin. So when's our plane leaving?" I asked him and he checked his watch.

"In ten minutes. Soon, we'll be in England, for our honeymoon!" He kissed the top of my head. Luckily, before we left, Tyler had finished our passports.

"We will start to board our Luxury Rows, and our passengers that need assistance." Tyler helped me up. We walked over to a blond lady who took our tickets.

"Enjoy your flight Mr. and Mrs. Smith." I tried not to snicker at the cliché name. A flight attendant helped me into my seat in the empty first class section.

"Might as well travel in style Mara. Now, why don't you tell me what was on that note." I rolled my eyes, and turned to face the window. I wouldn't tell him, but I wasn't doing it becuase L told me to. He couldn't know about Bradley, it would complicate things even more.

"I can't Martin, so don't push it. It's to keep you safe, and don't question me." I whispered. He put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. We have a four hour flight, and I don't want to fight. But who's Bradley?" He asked.


"How the hell do you know about Bradley?" I demanded. Tyler grabbed a magazine.

"Nightmares. You know, for what you are, you sure talk loudly in your sleep. Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't tell me. Actually Mara, I'm a bit hurt." He looked away.

"You're not serious are you? You expect me to tell you about my personal life like it's nothing? What's going on between me and L has nothing to do with you." I hissed.

"You need to stop getting attached. You've chosen this, now you have to lie in your own grave." He started to protest, but I just turned.

Near the end of the flight, I had to go to the bathroom badly. Tyler got my crutches for me, and I went to the front. After I got out, I was stopped by a man my age.

"Elise Silver, I need you to come with me." He said quietly. He was probably BrickStone, but how did they find us so fast?

"Leave me alone." I tried to inch past him, but I noticed someone in my seat. Tyler was fast asleep, but his clothes were all rumpled. That meant he put up a fight, and was knocked out.

"Let me see your wrist." He said to me. I looked at him confused, but complied. The other man in my seat looked threatining. The man pulled me into a row of empty seats.

"Listen, I'm Mark. You don't need to know my last name. I'm on the run too, but BrickStone doens't want me for lab testing. I'm different, you see, and so are you." He spoke quickly, looking behind him.

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