Chapter One- The Day Daphne Has Been Waiting For

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Her whole life Daphne had been waiting for the moment she could step out in society and now in the social season of 1813 she is to now get the very opportunity to do so.

Dear readers, it gives me immense pleasure to inform you of the events of the social season that has come about the ton today.

The day some ladies dread and others look forward to with immense pleasure is the day they are presented before the Queen, for her to have her say an whether she approves or not, the opinion of the Queen will either make or break a young ladies season and every lady and her mama hopes that it is not the latter.

In the case of the Featheringtons, the queen chose to say nothing once Prudence collapsed in front of her due to lack of oxygen, but to simply look away, much to the distain and displeasure of Lady Featherington.

Next through the grand doors to be presented was none other than Daphne Bridgerton and as the Queen put it, she is flawless, the diamond of this season if you will. May the odds be ever in your favour Miss Bridgerton as I assume your house to be full of all eligible suitors in the morning.

Lady Whistledown.

Lady Danbury's Ball was all Daphne waited for since being in the presence of the Queen. Being able to step out for the first time of her first, and only season she hoped, excited her to no end, whereas for her brothers, Anthony in particular, were not as excited and could not wait for this positively boring ball to be over with so they could go home.

Lady Danbury has been held in height esteem by both the Basset siblings their whole life, she was and is the only family they have every truly had. With their father being the way he was he could not wait to be rid of both his children claiming them both to be disappointments and not being able to be in the same house as them.

It had been years since Jenifer Basset had been home and she missed it greatly. Thankful that her return had been after the passing of her father because she despised the man nearly as much as her older brother did.

As they approached lady Danbury's estate Simon took a glance over at this sister only to see her nervously fiddling with her brown hair and chewing on her bottom lip, a clear sign that she was anxious to be back in London.

"No need to be nervous Jen, there is nothing left here for you to fear, but I can arrange for a carriage to bring you to Clyvedon if you shall feel more comfortable there" he stated calmly hoping to ease his sister's anxieties the best way he could think of.

"Preposterous brother, I have not seen Lady Danbury in quite some time, and you think I shall go and hide at Clyvedon to let you have all the fun here without me? I think not." She stated matter-of-factly turning her head to face away from her brothers stares.

With a smirk and a small laugh that is audible enough for Jenifer to hear he proceeded with a "Very well Jen, if you insist"

As they came to a halt Lady Danbury made her way towards the siblings, happy that they are once again home.

"Well, if this is not a sight for my sore eyes. My condolences your graces, for your father" she said while bowing her head.

Both siblings stared at each other, Simon raising one eyebrow to signify why is she doing this? Jen's only response is a simple shrug of her shoulders for she is just as confused as her brother.

"Very kind of you" Simon speaks for both of them not quite knowing if that was the appropriate response for they were new to this, the last time anyone had died that they were close to was their beloved mother with Simon only being 4 at the time and Jenifer never meeting her mother, both siblings have never had to deal with condolences being addressed to them.

"Kind of me? You both hated the man" she scoffed in disbelief.

"It is so wonderful to see you, Lady Danbury" Jen stated with a genuine smile on her face, one Simon had not seen grace her face since they had left France.

"Words I do not hear often enough" she says with a chuckle as she links arms with the youngest Basset and makes Simon trail behind the two women.

"You must excuse the, uh, disorderliness. As you know, I'm to host a ball this evening. I have managed to keep the details of your return quiet, but when those vulgar mamas discover that there is an eligible Duke and his lovely sister present at tonight's fete, I shall be able to keep such a secret no longer"

The longer Lady Danbury continued the more panicked Simon became, visible only to his sister who knew him all to well. At the sight she merely covered her mouth to try and conceal the smile and laugh that graced her face.

"That is what I was hoping to discuss, I have only returned to London to deal with our late father's affairs. I'm afraid that leaves me, us, no time to... socialise. And so, whilst I appreciate your most gracious invitation, Lady Danbury, I must ask you to accept my regrets, our regrets" Simon spoke his final words staring straight at Jen telling her to go along with it for his sake.

"Your regrets, are denied" Lady Danbury stated with such simplicity it made Jen snicker at the failure of a speech her brother had just given, for it was all in vain, even Jen knew Lady Danbury would not let them miss out on a ball she was to host when she was aware of them being in town.

"I suppose a brief appearance..." Simon was cut off by Lady Danbury exclaiming "Excellent" as she guided Jen through the doors so they could have a long overdue catch up, leaving Simon behind wondering how he got himself into this mess.

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