Chapter Thirteen - Just As Things Were Looking Up

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Dearest reader, this author finds herself compelled to share some wonderful news. Ambitious mamas rejoice, for the new Duke of Hastings continues to grace our fair city with his presence, and oh what an impressive presence it is! It should be noted that the Duke has been overheard announcing to mamas everywhere that he has no plans of ever marrying. This author wonders which brazen matchmaker shall rise to such a challenge, for this competition is well underway.

In news of his sister however it has yet to be made clear if he has intentions of marrying her off this season or not, for she is still requiring the attention of many suitors in the ton. Who will be successful is the all-important question?

Lady Whistledown.

"Lady Whistledown has written about you again, Your Grace. Would you like to read it?" Marcus asks the Duke as he opens the curtains in his chambers, for it is the middle of the afternoon and he has yet to get out of bed.

Unimpressed to be woken and at the fact he is yet again part of Lady Whistledown's scribblings, reads it anyway for fear she slanders his beloved sister.

With a huff Simon makes his way out of bed and heads downstairs to see his sister, hoping that today might finally be the day she will speak to him properly. He knew she would have forgiven him by now had he put an end to all this social season and suitor nonsense, but with the lingering thoughts of his conversation with Lady Danbury in the back of this head, he could simply not.

Expecting to find her drawing or reading a book he entered the drawing room, but it was empty. "That is most peculiar" he mumbled to no one in particular. It was too late in the day for her to still be in bed, even he knew that "Perhaps in the garden?"

"Pardon me, your grace?" Marion queried, assuming he had asked her a question.

"Oh, sorry, I did not see you there Marion. Do you know where I might find Jenifer?" he questioned, figuring she would know where his sister had disappeared off to.

"Of course, your grace, Miss J- " but before she could even finish her sentence the doors at the front of the house were opening and with that came Jenifer's contagious laughter could be heard.

"It would appear she has returned, thank you Marion" he smiled as Marion simply nodded and went on her way.

As Simon approached the door he heard Anthony bid Jen farewell and that he looked forward to seeing her that evening, Simon had completely forgotten about tonight's events and was rather hoping he would not have to attend.

Once Anthony had left her side Jen turned to make her way inside when she turned straight into her brother, "Oh, do forgive me, I was not expecting to see you till later Simon" she said, looking anywhere but her brothers face. She knew if she looked into his pleading eyes she would forgive him in a heartbeat, but she was not ready to do so just yet.

"It is quite alright Jen. Did you have a good morning? I do believe I just heard Bridgerton leaving, did you two go for a promenade?" he queried, hoping she would even take a glance in his direction.

"It was Anthony you heard. No, we were not promenading, I went to draw by the lake and he came across me, he simply escorted me home. Now if you would excuse me, I must prepare for tonight" she said and tried her best to walk straight passed her brother, only to be stopped by him grabbing her wrist.

"Jen please look at me, talk to me! I know I screwed up, but I am trying to make amends. How can I do that if you refuse to be anywhere near me?" he desperately wanted things to return to normal, for his life felt off balance not having Jenifer in it.

"Perhaps things could have been fixed had you put a stop to the ludicrous amount of suitors I must keep speaking to Simon! You know of my feelings for Anthony and his for me, so why must we go through this when you know who I will inevitably marry" she huffs while yanking her arm free from her brothers grasp.

"Jen believe me I would love to put an end to it all, but until Anthony proves himself to be worthy, I simply cannot" he sighed while rubbing his forehead.

"Proves himself?! Are you hearing yourself brother? That man has nothing to prove, especially to you. What has put such doubt in your mind about your oldest friend? Hmm? Were you not the one to go and retrieve him mere nights ago to comfort me when I was a mess? So what, pray tell, has happened since then because I am at a loss for what he could have possibly done to cause such concerns?" she shouted having finally reached breaking point with her brother.

With a sigh he simply said "Jen, I am only looking out for you"

Jen could only see red upon hearing those words leave her brother's mouth. "And look how well that worked out for you the first time Simon! Perhaps I know what is best for ME! Did you ever consider that brother? You may wish to never marry and that is fine by me but DO NOT ruin MY chances of marriage by stating you are looking out for me, when we both know you are not" and with that she ran upstairs leaving Simon behind gobsmacked.

Upset with himself for aggravating his sister once more and subsequently pushing her further away, he headed to the gentleman's club for a drink or ten.

Upon entering he noticed Bridgerton there and decided now was as good a time as any for a catchup with him.

"You know, I do suppose if not were not for an overzealous mother at every corner, this time of year in the city would not be so very dreadful" Simon mused while swirling his drink in one hand and looking in Anthony's direction.

"Those mothers simply want the same as you, I rather think" Anthony replied with a smirk.

"For every last one of them to choke on their daughter's hair ribbons?" he retorts with a chuckle and a raised eyebrow.

"For you to claim a wife, Hastings. Are you truly not planning on taking your place in society when you have a dukedom?" he asks, dumbfounded by the idea he would not.

"I have a title, which as far as I am concerned, will end with me" he states matter-of-factly with a roll of his eyes.

"But Hastings – "

"Stop calling me that! It was my father's name. never mine, and in any case, what of you?" he interjects, bored of the conversation being all about him.

"You are the firstborn Bridgerton of a firstborn Bridgerton, nine times over, where is your wife?" he questioned, seeing if Anthony truly has any intention of marrying his beloved sister.

"Basset... I... you know... " he started but did not know how to continue. Yes he loved Jenifer and wanted nothing more than to marry her, but until he told her about Sienna, he could not even begin to think about proposing marriage.

"How do you plan on being the man of your house, ensuring Daphne finds the correct suitor to marry and have time to entertain my sister Bridgerton?" he enquired.

"Basset are you suggesting I no longer should court your sister?" he asked confused as to where this has come from.

"Not in the slightest Bridgerton, I just think it is time you choose between your mistress that you are fucking or my little sister. I do not want her hurt in all of this" he replied then downing the remainder of his drink.

"How? How did you know about her? Does Jen know of this?" he panicked, fearing she found out from someone else. He knew he should have just told her earlier this morning by the lake.

"The ton loves to gossip Bridgerton, you should know that. No, Jenifer does not know, not yet at least. Lady Danbury informed me. Look Bridgerton I know you care for my sister so you must choose. Her or your mistress, for Jen has been hurt enough and she finally deserves happiness, whether that is with you or some other suitor. Your secret is safe with me but be warned I cannot say the same for Lady Danbury" and with that he exited the club, leaving behind Anthony who is left to decide what his next move shall be.

Does he truly love Jen or does he love the idea that she has returned? He promised Sienna he would take care of her and he is now to go back on his word?

Overwhelmed with these thoughts he orders another drink, wishing to forget and to drown out his own thoughts.  

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