Chapter Eleven - Time To Learn Of The Past

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Approaching their spot, just as he thought, she was sat under the shade of the huge tree, sketching a picture of the scenery around her. She heard footsteps approach her, but she need not look up for she knew who it was.

"Beautiful isn't it" she mused while continuing to draw.

"That you are indeed my dear" he replied with a smirk as he sat by her side.

With a roll of her eyes she looked in his direction, "No you idiot, I was talking about the scenery around us" she replied while motioning her hand in front of her.

Now it was Anthony's turn to roll his eyes, "And I was talking about you, so hush and do not even try to disagree with me for my mind cannot be changed" he stated while crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his head against the trunk of the tree that was behind him.

"You seem angered my love, what is the matter?" she questioned, hoping to put her lover at ease if he were to simply get it off his mind.

"Nothing for you to worry that beautiful head of yours about" he sighed back, knowing she would not give up that easily.

"Anthony, I appreciate you trying to protect me from life's problems but do remember who my brother is and know I am used to listening to everything, including things I should not hear about. I probably will be able to help ease your troubles" she replied, leaving behind her drawing to now look directly at Anthony, to show him she is giving him her full attention.

"Jen, I don- "

"Anthony, please" she interrupted giving him a pleading look.

"Alright fine" he huffed.

"Daphne is upset by all of Lady Whistledown's scribblings, fearing she is ineligible now and will never find a husband. She chooses to take Lady Whistledown's word as gospel rather than the words of Her Majesty the Queen herself. Daphne is angry with me as she says I have managed to scare away every worthy suitor, but I simply have not" he paused to take a breath which gave Jen an opportunity to speak.

"Lady Whistledown is nothing more than a thorn in one's side, she does write about Simon and I too and I am also quite sick of her scribblings" she stated with a huff thinking about what she had read about her dear brother and the poor Bridgerton girl that morning.

"As am I my love. Daphne is also enraged because I do not know what it is to be a woman. That her whole life has been reduced to one single moment and that she has only been raised to marry. She does think now that she has no other value and will be unable to find a husband because of me, thus leaving her worthless. How preposterous is that thinking! She shall find a husband, I told her I would ensure she finds one. Is it my fault no suitable gentlemen have graced our home for her? I am only looking out for her and protecting her" he rambles not seeing why this has vexed his younger sister so much.

"You are looking out for her and protecting her? You do sound ever so much like my brother and look how well that turned out" she sassed while playfully glaring at Anthony.

"My love that was different!" he exclaimed, not seeing how either situation correlates.

"Anthony, Simon thought he was looking out for me and protecting me, but the fact of the matter was he did quite the opposite... put yourself in Daphne's shoes, every suitor that has called to Bridgerton house you have either scared them away, told Daphne they are a cheat or are not worthy. How is she ever to find a husband if the only suitor you have not yet scared away is that treacherous Lord Berbrooke." She tried to reason, hoping to make him see sense. He may not know what it was like to be a woman, but she did. Sure she may not have been raised the same was Daphne had and did not feel such pressure to marry, but she knew of the struggles of not being able to make choices for herself thanks to her father.

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