Chapter Eight - Time Flies

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The whole night was spent with Jen laying in her beloved's arms, staring into his mesmerising chocolate brown eyes, embracing the comfort and security she felt, for she assumed she would never know such a feeling again.

Anthony, in a state of utter bliss, could not believe his luck. He had got his true love back when it was meant to be impossible. He now knew what happiness felt like once more, for he has not experienced it in the last five years, that is for sure. He believed happiness to have left his life forevermore after losing Jen and his father in the same year. Being able to hold Jen close to his chest and to get lost in her ocean blue eyes he could die a happy man right there and then, for she was all he needed.

Hours had passed but neither had felt compelled to speak as they were both fully content with just being in each other's embrace.

As the sun rose, so with it brought the wakening of the servants and the rest of the ton. However, both lovebirds were too oblivious to notice until Marion, one of Jenifer's maids, entered the room to wake Lady Hastings.

"Oh! Your Grace, you are awake... and you have company. My apologies Your Grace, had I of known I would not have entered and – "

"Marion it is quite alright, you were not to know, I shan't blame you for simply doing the job you are paid for" Jen stated simply with a smile, while Anthony sniggered into her side at the situation.

"Thank you, Your Grace" she curtly replied, mortified at the whole ordeal.

"You may leave Marion, when I need help to dress I shall call for you" she smiled towards the young girl, who with a nod scurried out of the room thankful to have been released.

With a sight Jen plopped herself back down onto the bed while Anthony started laughing at the situation he landed the poor child in.

"The child must hate me for being here" he simply stated only causing Jen to lightly slap his chest and roll her eyes.

Reaching towards the bedside table to retrieve his father's old pocket watch Anthony made note of the time, realising it to be seven in the morning, he sprung out of the bed and hurriedly began to dress.

"What has got you in such a rush my love?" she questioned, not understanding the need for such haste so early in the morning.

"It is seven my love and any moment now the house will begin to fill with suitors for Daphne and as the man of the house I must be there to ensure she only choses from the appropriate ones. I shall be back this eve though my dear and we can have a proper catchup then" he replied giving her forehead a gentle kiss and running out the door in hopes of reaching the Bridgerton home before any suitors arrive.

Choosing to lay in bed a little while longer to reminisce about the night before, she assumed to have some time alone before she would be disturbed, but no later than two minutes had passed before a knock was heard on her chamber doors and Lady Danbury entered.

"No child I helped raise should stay in bed past seven unless they are grievously ill, now is there something that ails you Jenifer or were you just about to get out of bed as I entered?" Lady Danbury questioned with one eyebrow raised.

"I was just about to get up and call for Marion to assist me in getting dressed for the day, Lady Danbury" she all but sighed, having completely forgetting that last night she had agreed to see Lady Danbury this morning.

"Excellent! I shall be in awaiting you in the drawing room once you are dressed" she exclaimed exiting the room leaving Jen behind, wishing she could rewind to a few hours previous.

What Jenifer did not know was that Lady Danbury had made her way to speak to Simon about the previous night's antics and to inform him of what Lady Whistledown had wrote about the siblings return to the ton.

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