Chapter Six

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The rogue was thrilled! He had managed to capture not one, not two, but THREE Twin Pack werewolves! He had bundled them all into the back of his truck and taken them to his base of operations- an old abandoned mine. Deep underground he bound them with silver handcuffs and ankle shackles.

Knowing they wouldn't awaken for at least a couple of hours, he started a fire and put a couple of jackrabbits on a spit to cook. Changing out of his "hunting" clothes, he put them in a bag and dressed in comfortable jeans with an old sweatshirt and hiking boots. He was full of pride for his capture of the three werewolves, something no other rogue had ever managed to do before.

Hooking the stereo up to the generator that ran the lights, he looked through his assortment of CD's. He chose "Phantom of the Opera" by Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford. Soon the soulful music filled the cavern.

"Those damn twins and the council should be begging ME for forgiveness! And they will...soon enough. No one will stand in my way- I'll have everything, including the twin's bowing down to me. Right before I kill them," he vehemently raged.

When the jackrabbits were done, he ate supper, still gleefully talking to himself about capturing three werewolves. Unbeknownst to the rogue, Cory had awoken. He kept his heart rate and breathing the same and listened to the mad rantings of the rogue. He kept trying, unsuccessfully, to mind-link with the pack. Somehow he had to get the women out of here and alert the pack to the rogue's location. Cory didn't know how much time had passed since they were taken, but he did know his pack- they would be looking for the three missing werewolves.

The rogue stood up and came over to where Amelia had been propped up against the cavern wall. Bending down he easily lifted her into a fireman's carry and, grabbing a backpack, left the cavern. Cory was filled with concern for Amelia and started trying to break the handcuffs. His wolf was weakened due to the silver, but still stronger than he should be. Noticing one of the links between the cuffs was starting to bend, Cory redoubled his efforts. Sweat beaded on his brow and dampened his shirt but Cory refused to quit: he knew their fate if he didn't find Amelia and get Cassiopeia out of here.

Watching the link open more, Cory gave a final tug and the link broke open. Quickly freeing his wrists of the remaining silver, Cory brought his ankles within reach and soon had those shackles torn apart as well. Grabbing Cassiopeia's bonds he soon had them off the female, but couldn't wake her. Worrying about how much time he had left before the rogue returned, Cory made the decision to carry Cassiopeia in his wolf form. He tied her hands together with some rope and looped them over his neck then stripped and changed into a large, muscular wolf with black fur. Gently rising onto his paws, Cory checked Cassiopeia's positioning. Satisfied she wouldn't fall, he began running up the length of the mine towards fresh air.

Upon exiting the old mine Cory noticed that daylight was fading; he had very little time to figure out where they were and get Cassiopeia home. Somewhere out there the rogue had Amelia-Cory had to find her, it was his fault she had been taken. The rogue's killing method was not easy to endure and Cory, like all werewolves in their pack, believed in protecting females. He was determined to find Amelia before she had to endure the torture of the rogue's demented mind. Once again Cory tried to mind-link, but was again unsuccessful. He figured the rogue had something to do with the inability to contact the pack through the mind-link, but the time to work out what he had done would come later.

Beginning a circular search pattern, the huge black wolf sniffed the air for any familiar scents-but not finding anything besides the normal smells of the forest. Growing desperate as daylight faded, Cory kept widening the circle and moving faster, careful to keep Cassiopeia centered on his large back. Finally he caught the odor of burnt oil and gas; he was near a major road.

Carefully approaching the road, the wolf squatted down and pushed his head through the weeds. Recognizing the road they had taken into town, Cory decided to back-track to the pack's territory instead of heading towards town and their van: he didn't know if the rogue had already moved it and they were closer to the pack's house anyway.

Putting on a burst of speed, the wolf raced across the road and into the forest. After a few miles his nose picked up a familiar scent- a couple of wolves were near. Not wanting to put Cassiopeia in danger, and unable to identify the wolves by smell alone, Cory stopped behind some bushes. There he changed into human form and deposited Cassiopeia's unconscious body, covering her with tree limbs. Dressing quickly in his clothes he'd stuffed into an old backpack from the mine and fastened around his waist, Cory hurried to intercept the other wolves.

Climbing high up into a tree for a better vantage point, Cory surveyed the forest. The wolves were covered by the thick trees and vegetation- he couldn't see them- but the breeze carried their scent to his nose. Utilizing his unusual patience, Cory waited as they unknowingly came closer and closer to his hiding spot. Two werewolfs stepped into sight; Cory recognized Hunter and his wife Claire immediately. Jumping down from his perch, Cory landed twenty feet in front of the pair.

Twin Love (Werewolf, Adult, Menage)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon