Chapter Nine

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The look on Nathan's face was part disbelief and part anticipation. He knew exactly what he'd ask for when he won. He hated to humiliate his new Alpha Female, but she had chosen to challenge him. Therefore, Nathan would look at this as a regular challenge, disregarding his opponent's gender and rank. He looked to his Alpha Males for their permission to fight Serenity. The twins shared a look, then reluctantly nodded at Nathan. Alex stepped up to Serenity and pulled her off to the side as Brock went over the standard challenge rules with the fast growing crowd. Obviously some of the wolves had been using their links to spread news of the challenge through the pack. This would be the first time a female challenged a male and everyone was curious about Serenity's reason for doing so- as well as who would win.

"What the HELL is this about?! Are you out of your mind!!? Nathan is the best fighter! The BEST! And you chose to CHALLENGE him?! WHY?" Alex ranted. Saying he was pissed would be an understatement. But he had no clue how his and Brock's treatment of, and attitude towards, Serenity had heated her temper past boiling and shot it into the stratosphere. Alex was about to find out firsthand that Serenity had a fiery temper to match her red hair.

"What the hell do you and Brock think you're doing by trying to keep me under house arrest? I TRIED to compromise, but you two archaic CAVEMEN don't know how!! You didn't even want me to leave the house until the crime scene had been 'secured'!!! I absolutely REFUSE to start this mating out with your thinking that, because you're males, you know better! Obviously we should have spent more time talking and less mating, THEN you two would know to show me the RESPECT I deserve!" Serenity shouted, beyond caring who heard.

Crossing her arms over her impressive chest, she continued when Alex was about to speak.

"You and Brock will NOT interfere in this challenge, do you understand?! Nathan and I will fight. Period. End of story. After we are done, when I'm declared the winner- you, Brock and everyone else will treat me with the same respect that you currently give Nathan for being the pack's best fighter! You do NOT want to compound the mistake of underestimating me by treating me as inferior or weaker afterwards!"

Serenity strode off without looking back, leaving Alex standing there with his mouth hanging open in amazement at the fierceness and vehemence of her speech. He couldn't form one coherent thought or sentence, but one thing was impossible to deny- he'd never been harder in his life! Coming to his senses, Alex thought about what Serenity had said. Obviously their mate had quite a temper. He'd never seen someone so angry! Maybe, he grudgingly admitted, he and Brock had been a bit overbearing in their fervor to protect Serenity.

'Our mate has one hell of a temper, brother,' Alex sent to Brock over their private link.

'I heard, she wasn't exactly whispering. In fact, everyone here probably heard her. However, she did have a good point. We've never even seen her fight- and we can't stop the challenge either because it would send the wrong message to the pack. They would think her weak and she'd never get their respect.' Brock replied.

'Yeah,' Alex said, 'She did, didn't she? You know what we have to do now, don't you?'

Brock hid a grin at the thought of one female cutting down their egos. They both realized this mating would be unique; Serenity showed that she wasn't afraid to stand up to them when many females would have acquiesced to their mates without a word. Life with their fiery redhead would never be dull. Alex and Brock respected her for being able to outmaneuver them, but at the same time realized they would all have to learn how to compromise.

Alex adjusted his dick to a less painful position and walked over to where Brock was standing in front of the crowd of pack members. Serenity was stretching and limbering up a few yards away. Her shorts and T-shirt were perfect clothing for the challenge. Brock glanced over and caught Serenity standing on one leg with the other leg pointed straight up and her ankle touching her nose.

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