Chapter Eight

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Hunter and Claire had diligently searched the area for the missing wolves, heading into town and back-tracking their morning. They found the van and had a beta drive it home. Deciding to concentrate their search in the woods between there and home, they plotted out a grid. Occasionally Claire tried to mind-link with Cory and the females, but kept hitting a brick wall. This worried the couple, but it didn't change their determination to find the wolves.

Near sundown Hunter finally caught Cory's scent; they quickly but quietly drew closer to the area where his scent originated.

"Go ahead and change, but be careful- it could be a trap." Hunter warned.

Claire nodded at her husbands words and quickly stripped. Lying down, she called her wolf and the change began. Bones reformed, muscles stretched, thick hair covered Claire's new shape and sharp teeth filled the wolf's elongated mouth. The wolf's form was made beautiful by a coat of reddish blonde fur that caught the fading light. Hunter looked at his wife's wolf- her graceful beauty concealed a deadly ability. Most males underestimated Claire's fighting skills simply because she was a female. They quickly realized the enormity of their mistake- usually after challenging her. Others, well, they didn't learn anything. All they knew was a thirst for revenge which meant Claire was forced to fight to the death.

Hunter stayed in his human form in case Cory didn't recognize their wolves. He only hoped that the three were still alive. Suddenly Cory jumped down from the tree and landed a short distance from Hunter and Claire.

"Cory, are you alright? Where are Cassiopeia and Amelia?" Hunter asked.

"I've got Cassiopeia hidden over there," Cory replied, pointing to the area where he'd left the unconscious female. "Come on, we have to hurry. The rogue has Amelia, he left with her before I could get free. I've got to find her."

"We'll help you look for Amelia," Hunter told Cory as they hurried to Cassiopeia. Claire's wolf reached her first and she growled at the smell of burnt skin due to the silver shackles. They uncovered Cassiopeia's unconscious body and checked for signs of injury. Finding only the silver burns, Hunter and Claire turned to Cory.

"Why is she unconscious? What happened?" Hunter asked as they got the remaining beta ready to take her home in a sling.

"We were at the van and I was loading the purchases into the back. The females were in front of the van talking, but all of a sudden it got quiet. I heard a couple of soft thumps. Cassiopeia and Amelia didn't answer when I called out to them. When I got to the front of the van, Amelia was laying on the ground and Cassiopeia was already gone. I remember bending down to get Amelia...but that's all until I woke up in the rogue's lair," Cory finished.

"Where was he keeping you? Did it look like a permanent lair or just a temporary one? Did you recognize the rogue?" Hunter fired questions at Cory.

Taking a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts, Cory analyzed the memories of being in the rogue's lair. With his eyes closed, he began speaking.

"We were taken to an abandoned mine. There was a large chamber that he put us in. When I awoke, the three of us were bound at our wrists and ankles with silver shackles. He was ranting...something about the Alphas begging him for forgiveness. He didn't realize I was conscious, I kept my breathing and heart rate the same. It didn't look temporary, he had gear stored inside the chamber- including a generator and stereo."

Cory stopped and opened his eyes. He looked at Hunter and Claire, who had changed back to her human form, with guilty eyes. "I've got to go, there's a chance Amelia may still be alive. I have to try to find her before that bastard kills her."

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