48 | Resurgence

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Gigi moaned between heated breathing, her nightgown hiked up to her waist as she rocked her hips back and forth above Cal. Rolling up the hem of her thin, lacy nightgown even higher to her chest, he lowered her down to bring her breasts close to his mouth.

Last night they had agreed, per his request, that they would sleep early since he shouldn't be late to his meeting regarding Seol-il. He couldn't risk the possibility of having an Isleen-infested nightmare if they had sex the day before. He needed to be in a prime condition for the meeting.

But as he saw Gigi lying in arms that morning, with the sunlight faintly illuminating her skin and her lips soft and ripe for kissing; he just couldn't help himself. And she was almost too happy to entertain his ache.

As their kisses grew hungrier, he didn't even need to ask as she immediately climbed onto his lap, lids still heavy with sleep, placing her legs on either side of his body like she did yesterday in the bathroom. My, she was a fast learner.

"Faster," he chanted as she bounced harder, biting her lip and closing her eyes, her walls only squeezed him tighter as the thickness of his shaft slid in and out of her fast. The friction was amazing, and Cal savoured the view of his beautiful wife doing a lewd dance on his lap. "Faster!"

Unable to take any more, she arched her neck and let out a satisfied cry as her orgasm hit, her entire body convulsing around him. Cal held her in place, preventing her from toppling down out of giddiness as he drove his hips upwards, sending hard, powerful thrusts to finish himself as she kept writhing and gyrating around him in her aftermath.

For someone who claimed that she wasn't much good on horseback she could ride pretty damn well, he thought.

Releasing inside her, he filled her to the brim until a few drops began to ooze out as she slipped his softening length out of her.

Heaving contentedly, she fell on his chest, nibbling lightly at his jaw. "I don't mind if this is how it's gonna go every morning."

Grinning, he swept some unruly hair out of her face. "Me neither."


About an hour later, they were neatly dressed and having breakfast. Junior had yet to join them; since they started an hour early he was still off on an adventure in the dreamland, but Gigi had assured him that she would stay there to accompany him when he got down.

"What gave you an interest in Seol-il, Sire? I know that you seek to expand the Empire, but why this country in particular, aside from its lush landscapes?" Gigi asked as she took a bite of her crusty toasted bread.

"They're being ruled by a terrible government," answered Cal, stopping after eating a slice of his egg. "You see that a lot of countries began to evolve at the beginning of the century... They have not."

Gigi looked at him, brows wrinkled with curiosity. "How so?"

"They have a strictly defined social class in which the commoners and their children are forbidden by law to advance on the social ladder," explained Cal. "Their schools teach noblemen exclusively so their women cannot read or write, even though they're born noble. The government doesn't encourage commerce and trade, while also depriving the people of the incentives needed to invent new technology. Land and farming are the biggest ways to accumulate wealth, but taxes on commoners are too heavy because the rates can be determined by the local governors almost at will. The ideology of the ruling class ensured this system to stay in power."

"But what about foreign trade? If they're not sufficiently supported in their own country, they could still sell it abroad. I know some foreign traders who do, and it works well for them," suggested Gigi.

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