18 | B-U-T (Be-U-Tee)

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'—"Gigi, I really like your dress!" The Emperor praised, staring at her from head to toe.

"Do you, Sire?" Gigi smiled coquettishly as she posed for him. "Designed it myself, as I did these shoes. Aren't they pretty?" She popped her foot out for him to see.

"Those are the nicest pair of shoes that I've ever seen." Cal glided his eyes along her legs.

Gigi smirked. "I also have something of yours, that I like," Her palm found itself on his back, bringing him closer before sliding itself south, down toward his perfectly rounded ass—'

Gigi's breath quickened, shutting the book close. It was the dead of night, and she was under the blanket, indulging in yet another steamy reverie of her husband.

Ever since she'd set her eyes on the Emperor's perfect rear, she couldn't get it out of her mind. The temptation was too strong to just pounce on him whenever he turned his back, or brush her hand over it claiming it was an accident. Her conscience kept her from giving in, for those foul schemes were far below her. Not to mention the fact that Junior had always been around them.

Once she had to do a fitting for a new set of clothes he requested for his birthday. She had to keep her hands from slipping below his waist as she measured him from behind.

Interestingly enough, she'd been learning something from the steamy novellas; a technique in which she could turn her fantasies half-real while also keeping her satiated for the time being.

Burrowing herself into the sheets, the fragments in her mind started to play out; in which he was here, immersing her into a tight embrace, worshipping every inch of her being with his hot, wet mouth. Her hands touched herself all over, pretending they were his. She pictured him as he was during their wedding night; warm, tender and entirely hers.

And then he was behind her, diving into her senseless. As she bucked against her fingers or a pillow, imagining something much better, hard and stout. Amidst the ardour she would come, whispering his name into the pillows like a prayer.

In her dreams, he'd love her.


Mint chocolate chip gelato had become Junior's favourite delicacy as the temperature reached its peak. The Prince had gobbled his third bowl of the day as Gigi watched him with intrigue, wishing there was something that she could feast upon to withstand the heat of her desire.

Licking the remaining substance off his spoon, he looked up with droopy eyes. "Can I have some more?"

"You've had plenty," Gigi petted his head, earning an adorable pout. "Save it for dinner."

"But this is crucial, I need my daily dose of hydration and cooling system!"

"Drink more water then."

His dark sapphire eyes glittered dangerously. "Give me more ice cream, or else I'll tell Papa that you try to grab his bum-bum."

A forceful blast of thunder struck over Gigi, leaving her hammered and paraplegic. Did he see? "I... I didn't— I was just..." Blinking her eyes rapidly, she tried to conjure up some excuses, yet was unable to hold up against Junior's judgmental stare.

"So," nudging his empty bowl in her direction, Junior flashed his pristine smile, as if he didn't just blackmail her. "...ice cream?"

The following day, Junior used the same tactic to cheat his way out of class. In exchange for his silence, Gigi had to lie to the tutor saying that the Prince was feeling unwell. She had never been so infuriated by him.

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