Living With A Police Officer Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys!!

So I'm sick :/ And I missed school which wasn't awful because now I have a longer break.

Oh yes, so where I live, instead of a march break, we're having  a February break which lasts for two weeks. Obviously since it's break I'll be going down to my nanny's for a visit so I wont be uploading for like 3-4 days. Sorry you guys :/ They have no internet connection down there and the closes computer is about 4 hours away. BUT I promise I'll upload a long chapter before I go. Hope you guys like it :)


Chapter Fifteen

Drew's POV

          I race around the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients for pancakes, trying to be quick so I'll have them done before Harmony wakes up.

Whatever happened last night really shook her up.

She was fine before I tackled her, but after that everything just went down hill.

I didn't tackle her to hurt her not by any means.

I thought she was making a run for it. Although that was a stupid thought on my part because she would have taken off while I was at work if she wanted to.

She looked so damn scared. The whole nightmare thing obviously didn't help her either.

I didn't get much sleep last night either. Harmony was whimpering and talking in her sleep. Well it wasn't really talking, it was more like begging. I didn't catch any of it because she had her head buried in my chest which made it hard for me to hear her.

I do know that that nightmare she had, has to do with something that happened to her. Nobody cries that hard over a nightmare, nor do they ever look as scared as Harmony did.

When Sasha was in her nightmare stages, she never looked as scared as Harmony did. Nor did she beg and move as much as Harmony did. It was like she was being pinned down and she was trying her hardest to get away.

Whatever the nightmare was about, it has to be something that happened to Harmony. Not some scene her mind made up.

          Hopefully, she'll tell me. I don't know what I'll do if these nightmares keep up. She had me worried all night.

          I pour the pancake mix into a frying pan and lean against the counter, waiting for it to cook so I can flip it.

          I hope these turn out. I'm making them for Harmony as breakfast in bed. I don't think she'll be in great shape today and breakfast in bed always made Adelaide feel better.

          I scoff at the thought of her and shove all the memories of her out of my head.

          What was I thinking when I met her? You know what? I wasn't thinking. I wish I'd never met her, that's all there is too it.

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