Living With A Police Officer Chapter Twenty Six

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Hello people,

So it's Friday, and I wrote this last night. I even edited it, which I normally don't do. Enjoy it cuz I worked hard on it.


Chapter Twenty Six

Harmony’s POV

The soft hum of music plays in the background as we drive down a dirt road. Neither of us says anything, me because I have no idea what to say and Drew because he looks like he’s about to have a nervous breakdown. For what, that’s a good question.

I guess my question is answered though. Whether or not we’re a ‘thing’. We wouldn’t be going out on a date if we weren’t I guess, and Drew hasn’t said otherwise. If that were the case, he ruined the whole friends thing by telling everyone in the house that he had a date with a hottie. Not that I mind, I’d still continue to be his friend even if I wanted to be more.

Drew’s shaking hand reaches over, turning up the volume, resting it back down on the stick shift. I take a deep breath, and take his hand in mine. Drew looks over at me, flashing a dazzling smile. Unable not to, I smile back.

Trees wiz by us, the moon twinkling in the sky. Drew continues down the dirt road, driving deeper and deeper into the woods. Normally I would be a little scared right about now because I haven’t gone near the woods since Blaine. Sure I thought about hiding in one when I was running from the cops, but I probably would’ve high tailed it out of there the minute I stepped foot in it. But Drew’s with me, and I know that he wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

“Drew where are we going?” I ask, fiddling with the top of my dress.

Drew shrugs, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “You’ll see”

I groan, sticking out my bottom lip in a pout, “Please D? I don’t like surprises”

Drew keeps his eyes on the windshield, refusing to look at me. I squeeze his hand, circling my thumb around his knuckles.

“Won’t you tell me Drew? I really want to know” I whine.

“Because Mony, it’s a surprise” Drew chuckles nervously.

I groan, slumping into the seat, “I hate surprises”

Drew chuckles, “So I’ve been told on several occasions”

I fake glare at him, “Just making sure you know”

Drew chuckles, pulling off the road, “Hop out”

I look around confused. The dirt road ends here, yet there’s still miles of woods. To my right, there is a large wide open pasture, animal less. Drew grabs something from the trunk, vaulting himself over the pasture gates. He holds out his arms, gesturing for me to jump over.

I gaze pointedly down at my dress, “Drew I’m not exactly dressed for fence jumping”

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