Living With A Police Officer Chapter 7

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Bonjour mes cherries,

So I changed my username thing to GiveMeASign from Renamillions20, if you didnt already notice that. I guess I should probably say that Give me a sign is actually a song by the greatest band out there BREAKING BENJAMIN, and it happens to be my favourite. I'm pretty sure it was the song for last chapter but I dont remeber, I dont even rememeber what I had for breakfast :( I have a really bad memory -enough of my babbling, I'll get to the story now :)


Chapter Seven

Harmony's POV

          "Urg" I shout into the sand.

 "Harmony?" The voice of a ticked of Drew asks.

          I jump to my feet.

"Hey uh Drew" I say, acting like nothing happened.

"Don't, hey Drew me, what did I tell you?"

          Wow, he sounds like an angry parent. Well I guess he is angry at me and I understand that. He told me not to move and I did.

"Yea, I know, but we forgot to call the cops to tell them where Kayla was"

"Oh right, but why couldn't you just call from here?" He raises his eyebrows.

          Gosh, think of something Harmony, think. Got it!

"I forgot my treasure chest back under the boardwalk and I had to go back and get it"

"Oh okay, I thought you took off, next time just tell me"

Guess he didn't hear me when I shouted BOARDWALK

"Yea, sorry about that"

"No worries"

          We head back up to the Ute, in silence.

          If I'm going to be living with him for awhile, I would like to know something's about him. I think now would be a suitable time for 20 questions.

"Hey Drew?"


"Let's play 20 questions"

"Sounds good, you first"

"Umm...favourite colour?"

"Black, yours?"

"Light green; tell me one of the stupidest things you've ever done?"

"Kay well I was about 13, I don't know some time when I was in junior high, my class was sitting in Math class, and I found a paper clip on my desk. I stuck it in my ear to see what would happen and I just kind of shivered and yanked it back out. I thought nobody saw me, but the teacher did and in the middle if class she goes 'Bet you feel smart now" 

I start cracking up. Who does that? Even if you are only 13, you should have enough common sense to know to not stick a paper clip in your ear.

"Wow, I can't believe you did that, this is just too funny." I choke through my laughter.


          We finally arrive at the car. We just get in without breaking our game and continue with our conversation, with the music playing in the background.

"Kay, now tell me the stupidest thing you've ever done?"

          "So I must have been about 9-10, and I found a bottle of my mom's hairspray that said "No Tears" I decided to see if it was true by spraying it into my eyes, it wasn't"

Now it's Drew's turn to laugh, and he jumps right at his chance. The dude doesn't miss a beat.

"Yes yes just laugh it up, ha-ha"

"Wow, I didn't think anyone could do anything that stupid, evidently I was wrong" He smirks.

"Glad I could make your theory fail, but it's my turn for a question" 

He nods.

"Have you ever been in love?" I say in a dreamy voice.

Of course, this question has no meaning behind it, I'm just naturally curious. My curiousity is what always used to get me in trouble, they say curiousity killed the cat, but it hasn't killed me, yet anyways. But I'm not a cat either so curiosity won't kill me.


His answer is short and his voice is cold. I know something is wrong, but I don't want to pry.

He's gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles are turning white. Whatever happened, it couldn't have been good.

I unclench his fists, giving them a small pat

"I'm sorry Drew"

He smiles at me, flashing perfectly a row straight and snow white teeth.

"Thanks Harmony, my turn, have YOU ever been in love?"

I sigh and close my eyes, inhaling the fresh hair streaming in from my open window. My hair blows out behind me and sun beats down onto my face, warming my skin and making me feel comfortable.

"Yea, but it didn't end well" I tell him with my eyes still closed.

I'm not ready to tell him the story yet. I trust him sure, but not enough to tell him my whole story. Nobody knows the whole story. Kayla only knows that Blaine and I were serious, nothing more.

"I see, well sorry to interrupt our game, but we're here"


So yea, I worked hard on this, as I work hard on all of my stories.

I just want to say a special thank you to all my fans, and all those who comment and vote for my story. It honestly makes me very happy, and I'm not just saying that it really does.

I was thinking about the title of this story the other day and I was like whoa, I think it needs a new one. So, if you have any ideas on what it should be, tell me and the person's I pick, the next Chapter will be dedicated to you :))

Have a nice week and thanks for reading!!




Ren Elizabeth :))

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