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The other person besides Soren who really helped Becca was a girl called Ella Ross. They met at the library, just after one of Becca's most brutal tongue lashings. I think if the insults had been any worse my ears would have fallen off.

Anyways, Becca was at the public library, sitting in a corner scribbling in her journal as she was wont to do when she needed to think or step back from life for a time. Then this pretty girl about Becca's age with a pile of books in her arms plops down next to her and says, "I'm Ella. Do you write creatively or do you just do journaling? I'm looking for a critique partner for my stories. Also, I'm new here and I need a friend, and you look like you need one too."

Becca just stared at her, and I prompted her to take Ella up on her offer, because I could tell she was being genuine. Much to my satisfaction, she did. They were friends ever since that day, and Ella gradually became the person Becca went to for everything, from advice to cover ups, to homework help to book recommendations. And of course, writing critiquing. Ella was just the kind of nice, helpful, funny, creative and smart individual who could do pretty much anything for a person. I thank God every day that Becca responded to my prompting that she take the strange girl's even stranger bargain that day in the library. I'm not sure I could have done my job without Ella. I think she saved me as well as Becca, gave me hope too. She restored my faith in humanity.

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