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Here's another cover I made for Unfinished. I have one more to show you, I'll attach it with the next update. Then I would like you all to tell me which one is your favourite. I'm not saying that I'll change it if you guys' favourite isn't the one I'm using, but I might.


Becca asked me to contribute a piece of writing for one of her projects, so this is it. My name is Jessica Bell, and Becca Weaver is my little brother's best friend.

Let's start out with something simple, shall we? Magic is real. It is beautiful and terrifying and deadly and very, very real.

That wasn't so bad, now was it?

Everything on this planet has magic. Life and magic are intrinsically linked, one cannot exist without the other. A small portion of the world's population is aware that they have magic, but cannot use it. Some rare people can use their magic, whether or not they are aware that they have it. There is a third group, even rarer than the first two, that can see and sense the Otherwhere - Faeryland to some- and by extension can see and sense all the magic in our world. Glamours and such tricks are ineffective against them, because they can see right through them. These people are, for lack of a better word, seers.

I happen to be one of them.

I don't know why I am a seer, nor do I know why anyone else is what they are. I do not tell the future, I do not have answers to life's questions, I am not a prophet. I merely see the world as it is.

My favourite part of being a seer is meeting dragons. Before you get the wrong idea, let me explain what dragons are.

Dragons are people. They are people who have a special talent or skill, who are very good at what they do, and who are passionate about it. They are also kind and only occasionally snobs. Their talent, passion, and kindness catches the eyes of the faeries, who grant them their favour and good luck. The faery magic lets them do greater things than they could on their own, but if they waste or misuse it, it can be taken away. Dragons are also more likely to discover and be able to use their own magic, being generally more open minded individuals.

I am not a dragon, but I do know a few. My brother Soren is a dragon. So are his friends, Becca and Ella. My best friend and flatmate Riley is a dragon. The boy who works at my favourite café in the mornings is a dragon. They are all unique and share only a few things in common, but I can tell you this; They are all going places.


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