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"What are we supposed to do when we get there?"

"Uh... improvise?" Myth answered you with a sheepish smile as your eyes drifted over to him. You rolled your eyes, trying to control the shaking of your body; due to stress, your nerves weren't cooperating with you right now. A soft huff escaped your lips as you sent Myth a little glare. Even though you tried to not let it show too much, his answer slightly irked you. You didn't have any other means of self-protection aside from perhaps your time-controlling abilities.

"So... we don't have a plan — at all?" (Y/n) piped up meekly, interrupting your and Myth's staring battle. The warehouse being used as Syren's base came into view as you rounded the corner. Darkness gave you cover while you approached it as stealthily as you four could.

"We honestly don't know what to expect," Degree whispered, hoping to get rid of the awkward and tense atmosphere. "All I can say is we should just stick together and watch each other's back."

"Sounds good," you mumbled, Degree's words somehow reassuring you. You being the first to open the large wooden door to the warehouse, held it open for your teammates to slip in. Myth shot you a little wink, Degree nodded at you approvingly while (Y/n) sent you a grateful smile.

(Y/n) was much better already, even though it had only been a few hours that had passed. Still, she was weak and defenceless because her powers weren't back to full strength yet.

"What do we have here..." Degree mumbled as her purple eyes darted from one blueprint to another. (Y/n) looked over her shoulder, curious eyes skimming over the various lines and curves; she didn't understand any of it though, just like the heroine next to her.

"That must be the plans for the destruction machine?" (Y/n) took a wild guess.

"Seems like it," you hummed confirmingly. Soon, your gaze drifted over to the empty container lying on top of a few blueprints. "Hmm... she probably stored Project N in that box."

"We might be too late—" Myth whispered as his voice cracked slightly in panic. His hand was resting on the opened backdoor which revealed faint outlines of the harbour to your prying eyes. Aside from the hectic movement of the rapid waves, there wasn't much action out there. The three girls shot Myth a quizzical look, wondering what he was implying. The hero slapped his forehead, stumbling over his own words in hurry. "I always forget your sight isn't as good as mine, but Syren has a giant platform in the middle of the ocean!"

"That sounds bad..."

"There seems to be a bridge connecting the mainland to the platform with the destruction machine on it..." Myth mumbled with a grave voice, slowly trailing off as the volume of his voice grew quieter. "We should head out before it's too late. It seems like Syren's doing some finish-ups on the machine."

"We've got no time to waste then." You gestured for him to exit the warehouse through the slightly ajar door. Once he did, the three of you followed after him. As silent and quick as you could, you tried to make your way over to the bridge that was the only possible way to reach the ring-like platform Syren's doomsday machine was standing on.

You didn't get far though; soon, a limelight was directed at the four of you, catching you like a deer in headlights. You slightly cursed under your breath as your heartbeat quickened in panic. Your intention was to stay in the shadows because of the advantage Syren and Shadow had in this location. You were surrounded by their natural resource: water.

The sudden source of light illuminated a majority of the area, revealing the few yet rather large ships and boats to you. Your eyes recognised this familiar location: You had fought Syren and her minions here before. A lot of time had passed since then. Still, you vividly recalled everything that happened during that stormy night: Myth and Degree had tried to hinder Syren from finding her Vasum; they failed in the end.

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