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"Where is the spare key..." you whispered to yourself, (E/c) eyes squinted in order to enhance your vision in the darkness. Glancing up at the sky, you noticed how the sun hadn't even risen from its sleep yet. You turned your gaze back to your busy hands searching for the spare key to your apartment; the key was somewhere hidden behind the bushes in the small front area of the building.

Your fingers twitched in anxiety as you could sense Myth's presence somewhere nearby — he was searching for you again... or was it just your imagination playing tricks on you? The last few days, he had been busy trailing after you and watching you from afar. Whether he was simply protecting you or waiting for the right moment to strike, you didn't know. All you knew was that you weren't willing to find out since insanity had gotten the better of him.

A little gasp escaped your lips as your fingers brushed against something that wasn't dirt nor leaves; instead, the object had a rather rough surface. Quickly grabbing it with your shaky fingers, you pulled it out from the greenery.

Much to your disappointment, it wasn't the thing you had been looking for. Still, your puffy eyes widened once you realised what it was: another diary page. Glancing around you, you made sure Myth wasn't close enough to surprise you. Yes, he was nowhere in sight; you still had enough time.

And so, you skimmed the page in a hurry.


My date yesterday with Logan was wonderful. I feel like our love is blooming once again. The night was simply beautiful; it was a true candlelight dinner.

I do miss my necklace though... no matter how pretty the necklace he gave me is.

I shouldn't regret my decisions, he is right: I don't need my mother's necklace. It would get me into unwanted danger.

I trust him. He will take care of it for me.

- X -

You huffed as you felt your heart clenching in pain. You should have never been so naïve to trust anyone with your necklace. Taking a deep breath, you quickly pocketed the page and went back to searching for the key to unlock the apartment you needed to enter.

Your palms — smeared with sticky soil — grazed across the clumps of muddy earth, looking for the key hidden nearby the stems of the decorative bushes. And somehow — with luck — you found the metallic object you had been searching for. Triumphantly raising it up to your eye-level, you gazed at the key in bliss.

With a heaving groan, you rose from your dirtied knees and scrambled over to the front door of the apartment complex. The little key fit perfectly as you inserted it into the pitch black hole and once you twisted it, the door swung open with a noisy creak.

Not wasting another minute, you slipped inside and made sure to shut the wooden door behind you — a habit you acquired from the paranoia you had endured the last days. Climbing up the stairs as fast and silent as you could, you soon arrived in front of the apartment that you once had called home.

How long had you last been here?

You had last been here when Uncle Henry picked you up because living alone wasn't safe anymore; all the protests for you to sacrifice yourself — so that Halo City would be safe — had become too radical and dangerous at that point. Those were dark times.

You sighed as you carefully pushed the door open, silently entering as to not wake up (Y/n), who should be safe and sound in her bedroom. The familiarity of the living room made a little smile appear on your lips, giving you the desire to just plop down on your trusty old couch and relax for once. Your moment of relief was short-lived.

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