07. A Deadly Revelation

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 7: A Deadly Revelation

I was convinced something was possessing him, I spoke to an old Luna colleague I had before she because the Luna of her clan, she told to accept that sometimes an Alpha mate gets angry, they lash out without respecting their female mates, this however is just never done when the female is pregnant. Has society accepted the fact that werewolf males, ones like these will stand, is allowed. If I took this bastard to court, I could win every penny he had, every asset he claimed under his name.

Martin side glances me during dinner, "You're angrier than usual, it's been a week." A week since he caged me, six days since I saw another man's reflection in a puddle of water from snow I melted with my hands alone. Something I didn't mention to anyone, the face I saw, the ice I melted with an ability I shouldn't have, and when I burned him before.

He swallows his slice of steak next to me, "I'm sorry for my behaviour, Celestine." He whispers to me.

I don't even look at him, shoving my napkin on my half-eaten plate, "You might as well have whipped me, arsehole. Knocking me out in a silver cage is almost as torturous. Tell me, does your kin agree with how you handle me?" I ask him, my voice not screaming, but it caused a few heads to turn this way, forks are moved on a quieter notion while Robert tenses next to a wide-eyed Reina.

Lorelei stills where she eats next to Vulcan, the supposed brother. Martin's silver eyes stare only at his food, I stare him down, "The tournament consists of all council members to be there, I have a voice and I have a say as being a loyal member to the board, all I need is a mind-reader considering your loyal subjects will lie for an abusive swine, but I will not." I say to him, my face empty, dull, but not broken.


Martin grabs my arm, he drags us out of the room and I rip my arm away from him, "I am sorry for what I did to you, I know that was wrong, I know it. I don't know what the fuck I was even thinking when it happened, alright, I'm fucking sorry, Celestine." He pleads for me to look at him, he grabs my waist and I stare at him incredulously, this fool was kneeling in front of me, down below.

"You're doing this because you don't want to be pulled publicly as a domestic abuser, and you are one. That is not how the law works—you said to me, that there is no such thing as equality, huh? I'll have you examined under a fucking microscope if you so much as touch me again." I shove him off and spin around, I wasn't putting up with this.

"You won't touch me! You won't even try to make this work!" He roars from behind me and in horror, I watch his eyes deepen in colour, darkening to a charcoal void. My neck is grabbed painfully, "You put me in front of the board and I'll kill you without remorse."

His tone of voice was a snake-like hiss, it reverberated across my spine and I choke on his grip, feeling my lungs burn with need before it's released. The air rushes in with crashing waves as he gulps in his own horror, his eyes glassy as his hands shake, he reaches out to me, pain in his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—I—I—" I hide the tremble in my hand, swallowing as he drops his head against my stomach, pressing soft kisses against it as he apologises profusely. I stare beyond him where his Betas and Gamma stand taut, unsure, and shaken too.

"I swear, I'm not like this, I—I don't know what's wrong with me."

Challenging an Alpha is dangerous. His fingers scrap the skin of my waist from the crease in the shirt that lifted up ever-so-slightly. The aura in the air was strong and bitter, thick and heavy, it suffocated those around it and shakily, I place a hand on the back of his head as he cries out in painful sobs, each 'sorry' breathed out made me review the situation. I had to think safely, logically. He was too dangerous and he had to have known why we weren't compatible. What I needed to understand is what the hell made him think we were.

Rejection on the Alpha #1Where stories live. Discover now