34. Cleared Of The Red Smoke

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 34: Cleared Of The Red Smoke

The location of Nocturne Academy was still under the mindful clutches of Athena Darkling, who's powers were still more unknown to me than Martin's words of whom I deserve in life. The nanobots were supposed to just control his anger, much like anger management classes only this is more of an up-close and personal approach than to sit down in a circle of people or just one qualified therapist and talk.

This changed his vision, perhaps showed the soft underbelly of him, but I wasn't falling for anything. I've seen too many sides I didn't like, the lycanthrope was going to have to change or no woman would be dumb enough to bow to him.

The council argued their case on tradition of the so-called initiation that really was just a disgusting, perverted stunt that made them think they had rights, when in reality, under my orders, Martin was shocking the kingdom by being so bloody unpredictable. Arthur and his wife didn't know what to make of it when Martin ordered a team and brought himself along to walk the village, help those in need like a good king. While I was always in the shadows, thank the moon goddess for that. Athena was patient but sharp. Every illusion or dream created within the heated walls of the temple was a scenario in which I needed to use my powers in my mind first and then in the physical form.

Like the tree when Alastair was there. Elias and him were around, always watching too closely. Alastair knew what Athena was helping me with, but Elias was finally the clueless one. His helpless eyes followed my form as I moved in a blood red ruby dress. Martin's coronation was not mine, and again, that was another order on my part, one that shocked the council, until they saw it as punishment for not consummation shit in front of their eyes.

When Martin returned from his visit across the wider scopes of the kingdom, I found him staring into the distance in his rose garden. He had a fucking rose garden now.

I step towards him, "How was the trip?" I question.

He trails his silver eyes to mine, "Insightful. You and Athena are getting along well, I'm glad for that." He murmurs, making room for me. I reluctantly sit down and cautiously keep a good amount of distance between us. He stares at me.

"You're beautiful." He whispers.

I narrow my eyes, "How was the trip insightful?"

He sighs next to me, cupping his hands on his lap and turning back to face the roses, "Arthur coloured the kingdom in rose-gold, tinted it to make it seem taken cared for. The rest of the kingdom and people within were affected in ways he didn't bother to look at. He uses his mate to initiate pain against others, but he doesn't rule—he didn't rule anything. I think that's what allowed the council to immediately reinstate me on the throne and they can't do a thing about you. My men are still cautious about me while I've had Robert to train the newest members from the local combat academy. I built a green farm today." He adds that last part with a shrug.

I trail my eyes over the texture of the roses, "That's good." I mutter.

He looks at my profile again, "There will be a ball held Friday evening for everyone. Not just in the kingdom. Many of our people will be there. I was wondering if you...if you would sit by me. I won't ask of anything else. Just to sit by my side."

"And condone what you've done to me?" I ask him, sending a side glance his way.

"No, just so I know you've eaten a meal." He mumbles.

I snap my eyes to him, "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" I spit. He snaps his eyes to his hands, falling short of hiding the trembling there.

"You've lost weight." He murmurs.

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