22. Cinderella Moment

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 22: Cinderella Moment

The air is heavy, suffocating me in a way the games did not. I stand in front of the nameless mirror. The black and golden gown I wore had it's own weight, and almost it's own crown as I look at the design, luxurious and so very royal, it made me hate it more. Elias stands taut next to four other elders who still refuse to remove their hoods, yet I felt the atmosphere of them all sustained in calm serenity, but a hint of anger from one of them, "Celestine." Elias says slowly.

The glass of champagne in my hand creaks, I lower it down, the maids fumbling with the dress take it and leave the room in a swift fashion. I step off the podium, the neck-holder dress had more than just a slit, it parted down the middle when I walked. I stare at Elias, who purses his lips, his eyes penetrating mine, he could see my anger as clear as water, "I'd watch your next words carefully." I tell him, my fists ready to do his head in.

He stares deep into my eyes, "What happened in the illusion you saw of those trials...of me as a mutated vampire, I just want to make certain you can differentiate my true self from that illusion." He murmurs, I throw my wine bottle at his head. He ducks and the two other elders merely tilt aside, it smashes against the marble wall behind them.

The double doors behind me open, "I thought I heard something." Martin's voice echoes as he closes those doors and nods to Elias, gesturing he step aside before Martin grasps another bottle of wine in his fingers and pours us both some. He takes a seat on the couches and takes a slow sip of his.

His silver eyes penetrate my form, following my body like water. Like my presence alone pulls at his very heartstrings, his eyes move down me, lining every exposing patch of skin, he takes another sip of his drink, "You're beautiful." He whispers, sounding completely infatuated, even in awe at his unwavering gaze that makes a woman want every man to look at her like this. Not me. His eyes weren't making me want to strip bars for him, if anything, biting his head off and removing his favourite part of his anatomy sounded more delightful than whatever his version of sex was.

"We are the victors of these trials. Smile, why don't you?" He chuckles.

I take a seat opposite him, "If you require a reminder, I did most of the work." I point out.

He leans forward, hands intertwined, his eyes move south of mine, my lips was at his view and unfortunately, I couldn't kick him where it hurts the most for merely looking at my lips like he could picture every way to devour them and that that in itself was overwhelming due to so many possibilities.

His eyes conveyed a deeper connection, that should have touched body and soul, when all I saw was silver storm and shadows, "You did, yet you didn't need to prove your worth to anyone. Charles forced that on you. I won't let it stand, my Queen." He accents his words as of that will make me look at his lips the same way he just took a long moment to cherish mine.

I'd tell him to go to hell, but I'm already there and I'd prefer not to give him direction until I've found my way out.

I stare at the glass before me, he stands and steps around the small table, even with Elias and the other elders in the room. Martin takes a seat on the table in front of me, his eyes indecipherable and on mine, "We will be crowned the victors of these trials in less than an hour, and you look ready to destroy this place and everyone in it, Darling." He says, raising an eyebrow at me.

I maintain a blank stares, "And I'd go for you first."

He tilts his head at me, "What I said in those trials, after you were bitten, was real. They weren't for cameras, or even a useless council. They were for you. And whether you like it or not, Celestine, you are mine to love, hold, cherish and touch. Every single inch of you will be known by my eyes, hands and lips by the time you're twenty with a real crown on your beautiful head. But, for now, you need to relax and enjoy the festivities. After all, they are for you." His eyes move back down my body once again, before he stands, glass in hand, he downs it with his back to me.

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