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"Cheers!", the sound of glasses met heated the atmosphere.

"Owh I miss you guys so much! Im so happy we get to gather here!", Chorong put his arm on both Manshik and Seojun's shoulder, pulling them closer as they were seating on his side.

"Dude, we just met this morning",Seojun reacted while removed Chorong's arm from his shoulder followed by Manshik while the others were laughing at them as they were watching a funny comedic scene.

Its been a while since all of them gathered together after 7 years. Since graduated, all of them have being busy with their own lives so they couldn't gather altogether. But then, friendship is their most priority and they all feel grateful that they were still together for almost 10 years.

Jugyeong poured some more drinks on her glass,

"Drink guys drink! We already adults don't worry!", she told them before she drank with each gulp violently as the alcohol drizzled from both sides of her thin weathered lips.

"Hey slow down", Sooah took the glass from Jugyeong worried that she might get drunk too early.

Seojun shooked his head judging Jugyeong's behaviour,

"You're too early to be drunk dude, it must be your first time drinking huh?", he teased Jugyeong before Jugyeong make some attempts on hitting him while Sooah tried to stop her.

All the others were laughing especially because of Sooah tried so hard to stop both of them from fighting, also including Taehoon who tried to help his girlfriend.

"Owh, they're here!",Hyungyu suddenly grab their attention as they all shifted their gaze to those people that approached them.

"Hello~",Soojin waved to all of them followed by the others.

"Soojin, come sit here with us", Sooah called Soojin while tapped the empty seat beside her and Jugyeong.

"Hyemin, come here my girlfriend~", Chorong called her as she approached him and they both hugged as if they haven't met for a long time.

All of them were so excited on meeting each other but at that moment, only Seojun who was deep in silent. He didn't realized he already barred the world away from him as his eyes met the guy who was with all the girls. All his focus were on the guy that attracted him since high school and now, the guy named Lee Suho.

7 years ago

"Han Seojun!Wake up!", his mother scream frantically from his door while knocked the door repeatedly.

"5 more minutes mom~", Seojun retorted sharply.
He slept late last night because of himself burning the midnight oil, or more like he forgot that he have to submit his homework tomorrow so he quickly finished it to avoid punishment. Luckily he already asked the answers from Hyungyu so he just need to copy everything and his work is done.

Mrs Mihyang opened his door and gave a last knock before she put her hand on her waist with her sharp eyes directed to her son who was still on the bed.

"Han Seojun, you might be late for school", she walked to his son and tapped his shoulder purposely to wake her son up.

Seojun sit up dramatically, grabbing a pillow and place it around his ears-meeting the blurry gaze of his mother.

"I'm gonna wake Gowoon right now,make sure you wake up okay son",his mother reminded him as she shutting the door and returning the room to its somewhat silence.

Seojun woke up from his bed and began getting ready to go to school. When he finished preparing himself, he took his bag and walked out from his room.

He stomped loudly down the stairs and when he reached the downstairs, he tapped repeatedly his sister's shoulder tried to annoy her.

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