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"Thank you for coming",Jugyeong thanked her customer as she walked to the sink to clean up before she ended her shift.She didnt realized that a pair of eyes kept on staring at her.Seojun couldn't stop looking at Jugyeong since the moment he started working especially when the thoughts of what happen this morning kept playing inside his head.

He scanned Jugyeong from up and down repeatedly.Jugyeong is a kind,pretty and friendly person and many people will fall for her especially for the perfect cold-hearted good looking Suho.They look good together,maybe Suho's transferring to their school so that he can be Jugyeong,just some kind of sh*ts called destiny maybe.

"Han Seojun!",Seojun snapped back to his thoughts as he realized Jugyeong was calling her.Jugyeong shooked her head and walked towards him,"are you okay?you kept on spacing out",she asked.Seojun blinked his eyes repeatedly deep into thoughts,"am i?".

"you look like you bottling up something,you can talk to me if you want",Jugyeong offered while wiped her wet hands on the cloths nearby.Seojun gave a last thought then turned to Jugyeong,"I want to ask something",he said as Jugyeong looked at him in anticipation.

"this isn't about me.It's about my friend's friends's uncle which he also have a friend and the friend's friend",Seojun said."What?",Jugyeong already got confused with his statement but Seojun continue talking about his question.

"so my friend's friends's cousin which he also have a friend and the friend's friend is close with this one friend of his.He also have feelings for his friend but not really sure about his friend,he thought his friend likes him too especially after what happen between me and you at the school,the one that happen at class--"

"wait what,me and you?",Jugyeong interfered Seojun's explanation.Seojun gulped,realized he might get caught by his own words.

"no no you misheard.I mean because of something that happen at their school.Please focus Jugyeong",Seojun clapped his hands infront of Jugyeong's face purposely tried to distract Jugyeong.

"am i not paying attention?",Jugyeong asked herself as she continue listening to Seojun.

"but then my friend's friends's cousin which he also have a friend and the friend's friend find out that his friend is close with this one girl--"

"are they dating?",Jugyeong interrupted him.

"i don't know",he answered and he began perplexed on his own answer.He don't really sure what's between Jugyeong and Suho but he already acted like Suho betrayed him.In fact,they're not really officially together.

"do you ask him?",Jugyeong asked.

"No,i--",Seojun looked at Jugyeong with his shocked face as Jugyeong chuckled in response.

"i know you're talking about yourself.C'mon tell me who is it",Jugyeong raised her eyebrows while shaking Seojun's shoulder.

"Aaisshh it's not about me",Seojun pushed Jugyeong's hand away from him.

Jugyeong gave him an annoyed look when she received a notification from her phone.Her screen popped out with a message telling her that her idol,Selena already uploaded a new video.

"Omg!Selena uploaded a new video!",she jumped excitedly as she tapped on the video to watch a little bit while Seojun leaned his body forward sneekily joining her.

"who is she?",Seojun asked,felt curious and bored at the same time."no need to know",Jugyeong responded to him.Seojun sneered as he rolled his eyes and walked to the back to prepare himself before he ended his shift.

"owh I think I should send this video to Suho",Jugyeong said as she copied the link."what?Suho?",Seojun quickly came back to her,obviously was so fond with the name Suho.

Jugyeong nodded her head,"Yesterday,Suho asked me to help him teach him about make-up.He also asked me to send some make-up videos to him.Do you want to know a secret?",Jugyeong asked.

Seojun nodded repeatedly as he moved closer to Jugyeong,"he told me that he's gonna buy make-up with someone today.The way he act it's like he's trying to impress someone.He even have a special notebook for this",Seojun felt something snapped inside him after he heard Jugyeong's statement.'What if I was misunderstood the whole time?what if Suho just want to help me?I shouldn't did that to Suho",his guilt slowly engulfed him,felt bad after what he did to Suho.

Jugyeong tapped Seojun's shoulder,realized that she slowly lose Seojun's attention."Yah,do you think that Suho actually went to a date with someone?",she asked.Seojun looked at his watch and looked back at Jugyeong,"Jugyeong,i gotta go",he patted Jugyeong's head then ran out from the cafe.

"Yah Han Seojun!",Jugyeong called him but he already set his mind straight,he need to go to Suho now.He took his phone and tried to call Suho but Suho didn't answer so he decided to ran to the bus stop,all he wish is for Suho to be at home so that he can kneeled and apologized for his mistake.

While he was running,he accidentally bumped onto someone until he fell to the ground."Wow Han Seojun",Seojun hurriedly stood and turned his head to Sungyong and his friends from Yongpa high school.

"what's with the rush huh?",Sungyong asked as he smirked.Seojun ogled his eyes when he decided to ignore them,he walked passed them before Sungyong step infront of Seojun,blocking his way.

"what do you want?",Seojun asked,already annoyed with those dumbheads bothering him.Sungyong shrugged,"i don't know,i'm just kinda like to bother you cause you like to bother other people's girlfriend",he replied as he tried to provoke Seojun.

Seojun sneered as he looked at Sungyong,
"your girlfriend is the one who bothering me.you should learn to take care of her",Seojun responded full of sarcasm.Sungyong felt his anger started to boil,he pulled Seojun's collar attempted to threaten him.

"yah!you should take care of your mouth",he raised his fist and when his fist almost hit Seojun's face,Suho suddenly came and stopped Sungyong before he pushed him away.Sungyong fell backwards as his friends quickly held him before he fell on the ground.Suho automatically turned his head to Seojun,checking on him while Seojun still surprised with Suho's sudden presence.

"yah who are you?!",Sungyong pushed his friend away as he walked fastly to Suho."Suho ignored Sungyong as he was focused on Seojun at that moment."Yah I'm talking to you!Are you his dog?!", Sungyong's fist almost landed Suho's face before Seojun blocked it with his hand."Don't you dare lay your hands on him!",he warned Sungyong before he punched him until he fell on the ground.

Seojun then took Suho's hand before he pulled him away from the place.They ran as fast as he could before Sungyong's gang catching up on them.Luckily,Seojun saw a taxi parked by the street so he shouted at the taxi driver,alerted him.The taxi driver then ran inside his car followed by Suho and Seojun before they asked the taxi driver to drive quickly.After a few minutes,both of them leaned their back on the seats gasped for a few breaths,felt tired of running.

Seojun slowly turned his head to the side while gasped for some breaths,"are you okay?",he asked Suho.Suho nodded in response while Seojun leaned back on the seat,felt glad that Suho's fine.

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