Chapter 5

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I carried on through my day until lunch. When the bell rang for lunch i gathered up my things and stepped into the hallway, I began walking towards the lunch room when couple hands grabbed me and pulled me into a classroom, I was about to scream but a hand covered my mouth. Wait three hands? I looked to see who had just pulled me in, it was Alice and Carlisle.

"what are you guys-" I began before Carlisle put his finger to his lips and told me to 'shhhh'.

"look y/n, I know you think there is something weird about me and my family, and that pains me, but I can assure you we are just like everyone else" Carlisle said to me.

"your lying, and I don't know why, but I will find out, so it is so use Dr. Cullen." I turned then and locked eyes with Alice, we each took a step towards each other, I was so sure she could feel my breath on her, but I couldn't feel hers. I stumbled back and then tripped on a chair and fell backwards hitting my head on a desk, I should have died, but before I could hit the floor Alice caught me and rushed me to the hospital, except not in the same way Carlisle had done, she drove. I arrived at the hospital covered in blood and Alice was gone in an instant.

When I woke up, I just felt like I had a bad headache. I saw Bella, but no Charlie. Please let that be because he didn't know, I didn't want to deal with his upset right now.

"Bella." I turned to face her.

"my god y/n what happened? I thought I was clumsy." 

"wheres Charlie?" 

"He doesn't know, yet. I told everyone that I already called him. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine, it just feels like a headache, can we go home?" 

"I will ask, but I don't know if they will let you" Bella turned and walked out of the room. Why did Alice drive me? Did I imagine Carlisle running? Am I going crazy? Bella walked back in with Carlisle. 

"Well, it looks as if you took quite a fall," he began before pausing with a little chuckle, "but Bella tells me your felling much better?"

"uhm, yeah. I feel fine. Can I ask, what happened to Alice?"

"She didn't think you would want to see her, so she just went on home. Was she correct in assuming that?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well, you do seem to be doing alright, so every couple hours, I want you to take some of this," he handed me a pill bottle, "and come back if you start hurting a lot a again" He gave a little nod to Bella and turned out and left. On the drive back home me and Bella agreed we would tell Charlie. When we told him, his reaction was just about what we had expected. He also said I had to stay home for a few days, I protested, but he won.

Everyday for the next few days Bella would come home with the work I missed and tell me about how once again Edward was not at school, she talked about him a lot even though they hadn't said a word to each other, but it was strange that he disappeared and the rest of them had still been there, at least thats what Bella had said.

After what felt like forever, Charlie told me I could go back to school. When I returned, as to be expected, Alice was there. In math when I sat down next to her, I said hello. She turned to look at me, a little bit shocked, however she still replied with a hello. Then class started and I turned away appearing to have forgotten all about her, in reality she was all that ran through my mind.

When it came time for lunch, I walked into the lunchroom a little late. I had not noticed that someone else was also late, Edward Cullen. I had not known he was back, and by the looks I got walking into the lunchroom almost right next to Edward Cullen and starring at him, I guess everyone else didn't know either. The way everyone watched me, did bug me, but not as much as the way Bella did. She didn't look mad, just shocked like everyone else, but it was Bella. 

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