Chapter 26

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I had to pause one I had sat in the car. Door closed. It was so dark out, I could hear rain hitting the windshield. Rain? I looked down at my clothes, they were soaked, I hadn't even noticed it was raining.

After I took those few minutes to gather my thoughts. I knew I needed to start the car and leave, or else.... I shouldn't think about the or else

I started the car, put it in reverse, and backed out.

I made sure to take deep breaths and keep my eyes solely on the road, I knew if they drifted to the forest beside it, if I saw any movement, any at all, I would loose all control.

I just now only noticed the radio had begun playing, Your Soul by RHODES, was the song playing. I turned it up. I love this song.

I was on the verge of a full blown panic attack, muttering the same thing over and over and over again, 'eyes on the road. eyes on the road. eyes on the road.' I tried to think of something else, but I had nothing to think of that didn't make me anxious. I just want it to end. I don't even care how anymore. I'm in so much pain. I just want it to stop. 

I want to scream at the top of my lungs, let the anger and sadness out, even just a little. I feel like I'm about to pop. There is so much anger and sadness and negative emotion inside me building up, and if anything else happens I will simply just burst.

And screaming is exactly what I decide to do. I don't care if I die because of it, at least if I'm dead I won't have anything to worry about anymore.

I pull the over onto the side of the road. Shut off the car and get out. I walked a few yarding into the woods. Getting cuts all over my body from the branches around me. If the scream doesn't give me away, the cuts certainly will.

I take a deep breath and then do it. I let out the biggest fucking scream. I don't make it very far into my scream however. A hang covers my mouth. 

I stop trying to scream and take a deep breath and tears escape my eyes.

I slowly turn my head to who is covering my mouth. I can very faintly make out the poofy red hair. Victoria's hair.

She continues to keep her hand over my mouth. Now her other hand grabs mine. She starts pulling me back towards my car. I don't fight it.

We reach the car. Whats odd is she pulls me over to the drivers seat, meaning for me to get in there. She then goes and quickly gets in the passenger seat. Not giving me any sort of chance to drive away without her. After both door close. She turns to me.

"The wolfs are here." She says to me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"The what?" I had come to accept vampires are real and I am living amongst them, but wolfs?

"The wolfs, what are you deaf? They have your boyfriend cornered. We need to get out of here."

"what?! they have edward? we have to go help him!"

"no. if we go we will all die. You need to drive."


"shut up before you get us killed and just fucking drive"

More tears escaped my eyes. But I gently nod my head and start the car. "Where to?" I ask, immediately regretting it.

She letting out a dark smile, "to james of course. I'll direct you as we go"

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