14. You're So Beautiful - ✭ Monica ✭

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Grabbing his hand, I pull his crass self toward the dance floor. I hear him cursing behind me but I can't help but feel giddy. Boston thought I wouldn't kiss him the way I had but what he wasn't banking on was that I wanted to kiss him like that. I just wouldn't have done it if I hadn't had the liquid courage.

They way I've been acting lately, who knows? Maybe I would have.

He had been right in his assumption. That kiss had wrecked me. More specifically, wrecked my underwear. Those dark and sinful eyes that were glistening when he'd asked the question made them flood even more. Boston knows what he does to me. He knows the effect he has on me. It's hardly fair.

"I can't believe I let you convince me to do this." He'd grumbled out as we took our place at the end of the line near the back.

"You should probably be on the outside so you don't run into anyone with that large muscley body." He glares at me as I boop him on the nose again. Another groan comes out as he stands beside me with a new song taking over the speakers. I'd done this particular dance already. So I start to move my feet.

"Moooonicaaa." He complains, already stumbling over himself as he tries to move along.

"Just move your feet!"

"One— I don't know how to move my feet. Two— especially to a dance I've never done!" As if to accentuate the point he almost trips himself.

"Okay, now spin." He does, right into me, nearly knocking me over.

"Ah fuck, I'm sorry." He runs a hand through his hair and for once he looks completely embarrassed. "Mon, seriously, I can't do this."

"Come on, tatted Elvis, find your rhythm." I grab his hand and slide with him to the left. Then we slide to the right, not doing all the fancy foot work the people around us are doing. "See look! There you go! You've got it!"

"I definitely do not." He still looks uneasy but his mood has lightened slightly. He almost looks like he's having fun. "Okay, these boots make life so much harder." He nearly trips again. "Fuck sake!"

"You wanted them, cowboy." I steady him as best I can when he almost topples over.

"I wanted them because you wanted them."

"Don't lie, Elvis. You're rocking that black leather!" We take two steps back and clap.


"Getcha a cowboy hat next too."

"Only if you get one." I look over to him as he slides much less clumsy. "Gotta getcha to learn how to ride a buckin' bronco first, though." He thrusts his hips with a wink which makes me nearly trip over myself. "Who's out of their element now, huh?"

"You cheat!" I give him a thwack on the chest as the song ends.

"Never." His arms wrap around me, pulling me into his body as a softer sounding song plays over the speakers. "Want another drink?"

"I want to dance." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"To this?" I nod and he puckers his lips. "Mon, I said one dance."

I flutter my lashes up at him and give him my best pleading face, "please?"

He blows out a deep breath through his nose before placing his forehead down on mine with, "fine."

We begin rocking back and forth, swaying to the song. It's soft. It's sweet. It's a love song. And never in my life have I ever liked country music but I love this song.

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